Vaginal vault from hysterctomy or retrocele?


While I am still in the self diagnosis stage (haven't yet seen my GP yet for my prolapse situation), I was assuming, based on pictures and descriptions, that I had a retrocele (some bulging at the rear of the vaginal opening. But when trying to self examine myself internally, I can't really tell if it's truly my rectum that is creating the bulge or perhaps a vaginal vault prolapse. Everything in there just feels like soft puffy tissue. I had a hysterectomy several years ago. Is there a way to tell what the little bulge is? I can also push the bulge back in with a tampon. Some days everything stays in tact and other days not so much.

Hi Cecilly

I presume you mean rectocele.

If it is harder or has 'more substance' just before a bowel motion you can probably assume it is a rectocele, ie there is stool in the rectum. If it doesn't change just when you are ready to pass a motion, then I think you can assume it is not a rectocele.

As you have had an hysterectomy already I would think you might want a formal diagnosis. However, I wouldn't be bearing down hard for any doctor as part of that diagnosis!


Thanks, Louise for your response. When my bowels feel full (right before I need to "go'), or right after I go (w/out any straining as I take a supplement to help keep things soft and moving), there is a little bulge at the rear end of the vagina. However, it is soft. I don't feel any "substance" when I touch it to push it back in. I have no pain, just this little bulge that shows up a few times during the day. I think my bladder is low too, but intact. I have no incontinence. I think I am able to empty my bladder sufficiently, but sometimes I have a strong urge to pee with only a little coming out. I can also see the urethra opening clearly.

I do plan on meeting with my Dr. very soon.

Sounds good Cecilly.