I got something to ask!!!


Can I be able to have sex when I am on my back with uterine prolapse and would it hurt?

Can't see a problem, especially if you get onto elbows and knees first and suck your uterus deep inside you before lying down.

General comment. Do you have a 'secret word' that you use during sex, that means "Stop!"(for when you really do mean stop, it hurts a lot.) Having this sort of trust with your sexual partner will enable you to try more things without the risk of being hurt if it doesn't work out well.

(If you don't trust your sexual partner, then it might be better off not to have sex with them.)

I always think it is a good move to be conscious of the positions of my pelvic organs before any sort of exertion. A uterus is pretty floppy and squishy, and will get out of the way of a penis pretty easily, anyway. We are designed for sex. It makes sense. One thing for sure, your uterus will be in the right place afterwards. ;-)


I keep hearing about how sex is safe with a prolapse as long as there is no undue pain or discomfort. My question is a bit more delicate in nature, but here goes anyway.

Is anal sex okay too, or will that somehow cause me to develop a rectocele, or for those already suffering with one will it make it worse? I know I am not the only person on here wondering, and I wouldn't want to do anything to make my condition worse or undo all the hard work with posture, exercise, etc.

or I highly doubt it anyway. Often times, once you develop a cystocele, the rectocele is not far behind.
My experience with prolapse is that you can try anything you like and if it makes things worse, stop doing it and the prolapse will improve.
Our bodies are not easily injured- if they were, then one bout of constipation would cause rectocele.

this is such an encouraging reply alemama. thank you!
good point that if it was that easy to cause a rectocele, then one bad bout of constipation could do it.

I am going to print out this awesome sentence of yours on my little POP pep-talk page I wrote myself:

"My experience with prolapse is that you can try anything you like and if it makes things worse, stop doing it and the prolapse will improve."

this will help me be less fearful!

You have a relationship with your body. You can learn from it and you can teach it. You can come to trust it too.