Understanding the importance of the half squat


I am doing my best to get off the toilet seat for all evacuation - especially if I need to do a little push for the bowels. However I am not quite sure why I am doing it. I have read the book but I must be missing something (or am I needing too much detail???). Is it about making sure the tummy is hanging forward? I feel like i can do that on the seat but possibly not as well.
Probably best I don't try to guess and just wait for some wisdom.

Ozmama, for me it makes it easier, when I get it right, the stool just slides out easily. When I used to sit normally, it got stuck, trapped...So I guess this position helps it to get unstuck?
Sometimes I still need to climb on a toilet to do a proper squat...
I still don't know which position works best...

Hopefuly, when I will get more tuned with my body, all this will just come automatically, without thinking...
What we are doing now, I guess, it is a conscious awarness on something what used to be automatic, but something has changed and now requires conscious restructuring, and then it will become a habbit again...I dream about time when I will stop concentrating so much on my bowels!

hi ozmama

your answer is in Christine's article titled 'understanding enterocele and the back passage' in this month's issue of the village post. click on the village news link above to get there.

When you start to trust your body again, which I can see is coming, your bowels will probably settle down. Then you can ditch the antidepressant, which will probably help your constipation.

I think that until you stop the antidepressant altogether, you will still have constipation, because that is what that antidepressant does, as well as treating anxiety and IBS. The side effects of medications are sometimes not dosage related, unlike the clinical benefits.

You won't need it for anxiety or IBS one day. I suspect that suddenly you will ask yourself one day why you are still taking it.

Don't hurry it. Just keep it in the back of your mind.
