For those with Rectoceles


A few weeks ago I began taking flax seed oil. I've also been using the seeds in my morning cereal/oatmeal. I know there are many health benefits from taking flax seed.

Recently I've noticed how much easier it's been to go to the bathroom. Because of my high rectocele I have had a lot of difficulty deficating. My stool would seem to get stuck, hurt coming out or not come out at all and I would have to use an enema or gently help the stool out by using my fingers in my vagina (graphic, i know, i apologhize if it makes anyone uncomfortible). However, since begining to take flaz seed (along with drinking plenty of water). I have not had to do any of this. I have had little or no problem deficating. i know that flax seeds are rich in fiber and counter act constipation and I am grateful for adding this wonderful supplment to my exisitng fiber rich diet.

If you have had any of the problems I've had with your rectocele you might want to give flax seed a try after you look into all of it's wonderful benefits. Best of luck and I hope everyone is doing well1!!


Thank you for that tip. I have just recently discovered flax seed. I bought a bunch and have a great bread recipe that uses it. They are delicious. I have a rectocele and now am trying to eat as much fiber as I can, so I will be sure to continue buying and eating the flax and I will try to note if it makes a difference. It is hard for me to tell about just flax because I started eating a whole lot of new foods all at once, and all of them together sure have helped.


Thanks so much for this, Jacquie. The condition of the bowels undergirds our ability to live well with prolapse.