Believing there is some good in this


Hi everyone,

I am pretty new to this site. I have been diagnosed with a grade 3 cystocele. I had a hysterectomy in 1994 and uterus, tubes, and ovaries were removed. The Drs., including my father who was a general surgeon, thought I might have cancer since I was a DES baby so everything was removed. Thankfully, there was no cancer but fibroids and endometriosis. I crowed about how wonderful my hysterectomy was--no more pain, pads, bleeding. I would give anything to have my uterus back.

I have spent the month of December being angry, depressed and pitiful about my cystocele. Finding this site has helped so much. Now, after coming down with hives from the stress I have decided to make something good out of this. Here's the plan:

I am 90 pounds overweight--obese. Most of the weight is in my belly. I plan to lose as much as I can and hope weight loss will relieve some of the pressure. It should also help with my HBP and Type II diabetes.

I plan to do this by moving toward a more plant and fruit based diet. I already eat organic when and where I can. Again, this site has been super helpful.

I also plan to get as strong as I can by doing the WW workouts minus the firebreathing, and by walkng and biking.

Drink red clover tea.

Try the pessary route. I use tampons and they help some by eventually push out.

Refer friends and family to this site and Hystisisters if there is talk of POP or hysterectomy. Maybe start a support group in my town. Would welcome any suggestions on this idea.

I am 57 years old I have seen many good things come out of what at first seems bad. I believe that this cystocele may be the one thing that kicks me in the rear to take care of myself which I have never done a good job of.
What do you think?

Hi Body,

I, too, have cystocele. My OBGYN didn't say it was grade 3 but I'm fairly certain by the description of the different stages that this is the category where I belong. Rats! I loved your heartfelt post about the journey you have taken in life and your goals for the future. I am 56 and have my own challenges to deal a result of surgeries gone wrong, I live with a deformed foot and constant nerve pain. Walking is very difficult and painful which makes it challenging to do many of the exercises that Christine recommends. But she's given me some ideas and I'm working on it!

I think the most important thing is attitude. This really knocked my socks off but now that the shock has worn off and I've done some detailed research it doesn't seem as bad as it did at first. I have been alternating between using tampons and the sea sponges to help keep my bladder from falling into my vagina (a really terrible and uncomfortable feeling). I see a urogynecologist the first part of February to discuss a pessary. Given everything I've read on this site and after reading Christine's book, Saving the Whole Woman, I'm convinced that surgery is OUT for this girl. I truly pray that through consistent work on my part and incorporating posture modifications, that there is hope to return to better organ placement. I'm prepared for the fact that this will take a long time.

Although I've not had a hysterectomy the shock of this has still been tough to get a handle on as you know only too well. I applaud your efforts to begin taking better care of yourself and love your idea of referring people here and starting a face-to-face support group (at least that's what I thought you were referring to).

Best of luck to you!

I think having a plan is sort of like: once begun is half done- or half the battle- or something like that.
I love your plan to take care of yourself!
I'm happy you want to improve your HBP etc- and I want to encourage you on your journey. So, don't think I'm nuts when I send you to this blog:
This lady is pretty neat. She talks a bit about health and size. I like what she has to say and I thought you might be interested in her perspectives.....
If you like it great, if not take what you can and leave the rest......
Glad you are here and good to meet ya!

Hi Body:

I see that you wrote in January 2012 that you might start a support group. I'm wondering if you have by now and how you went about doing so. I asked my natural health doctor if I could get info to any of her patients who suffer from POP and she gave me the go ahead to put up a flyer in her office waiting room. I would like any suggestions as to what it should say..any help out there??

Hi Lillian - Redmoon, the original poster here, has not been on the site in over a year so we don't really know how she is making out. If you are interested in helping to spread the word about Whole Woman, you can always contact Louise or WW headquarters and see if they currently have brochures available that they can send or e-mail to you. I know these do exist, but may or may not have been updated lately. Another idea, buy an extra copy of the book and/or DVDs and donate to your local library. - Surviving