risk of trans vaginal tapes


Hi All,
Living in G.Britain and being familiar with the Whole Woman site, I have sometimes wondered why Whole Woman things dont seem to have reached many women over here. My GP (normally very good), didn't seem too interested.
However, on BBC Radio 4 this morning here in England, Woman's Hour had a very interesting discussion on dangers of TVT along with a patient interview and another medical professonal. It was a follow up to a previous broadcast some time ago. The general message would seem to be, be informed about possible dangers, and the woman to ask herself if stress urinary incontinence is really a major problem for her before contemplating surgery and what other alternatives there might be.
It also seems that its difficult to get some surgeons to remove it or even listen. Ugh! However the lady in question did find an excellent urogynaecologist to do this (female). The gynae specialist on the programme did also say that he thought the device industry needs more and better regulation,
I thought this might be of interest to some of you.

Thanks for the heads-up, Tathagata. This situation gets to the heart of the problem of women, prolapse, and the medical/pharmaceutical/device manufacturer/governmental and now legal systems in the developed nations. Basically, it is business as usual here in the States, as the FDA has ordered the device manufacturers to conduct studies on thousands more women to prove the safety of transvaginal mesh. As if we do not have enough data that these surgeries are morbid and life-destroying. These devices have built into their price structure the cost of litigation. There is a new kind of in-your-face brazenness that the incredibly powerful agents who control women's health care are deceiving the public with. Here is a link to the AUGS website where you can read for yourself how the use of mesh is being defended. Ain't urogynecology grand?

This is not about prolapse surgery but it's the same sort of thing that happens to women with surgeons.We have had a lot of women here who had their breast implants rupture.Also a lot of women have had trouble with something called designer vaginas.I'm not sure what will happen to the women now.That is why i will never have surgery for my prolapse as it could go horribly wrong.it's a nuisance but i put up with it and would never contemplate surgery.

I too live in UK, and I have just listened on i-player (catch-up radio/TV) to the Woman's Hour debate on transvaginal tapes (mesh). Thank you, Tathagata for drawing our attention to this, and I urge anybody else in UK to listen. It seems that the tapes have been used since 1995: it is however only a question of time before infection and erosion are likely to occur. Truly scary. Thank you so much Whole Woman for making a stand against surgery, and showing us a different,positive, way forward.

Food for thought. I could have been one of those women in 2003. I am so glad I found Wholewoman first.