Erect Posture


Just an historical perspective on posture. I realize this is about a man and not woman, but thought it unique to learn of this man's postural ideas more than 150 years ago. Our 7th President, Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), though plagued by many maladies and doctors without education, maintained an erect posture at all times. He was fearful that if he did not stand with his feet shoulder width apart, and his spine straight, that his "innards" would get "misplaced". He would not stand on one leg, thinking it might make his liver or kidneys shift, nor did he cross his legs when sitting.

Grandma Joy

Sweet! There was also a chiropractor named Bernard Jensen who traveled studying indigenous peoples and wrote in (I think) the 1930's-60's. He concluded that the longest-lived people of the world:

"Live a simple life, in a moderate temperature, eat unprocessed foods, no fried foods, little meat, live a serene, contented life, maintain good posture, and consistently live close to where the soil is black."