Fire Breathing?


I heard about fire breathing and just finished the book. I didn't read anything in there about it?? Where do I find more info on how to do this? I believe I have learned this technique before in a Kundalini Yoga class? Can someone please direct me to where this information is located please?


1. While on all fours, keep long line from crown of head to tail bone.
2. Breath in and lift your tail bone as high as you can toward the ceiling, your back will sway in the process.
3. Breath out completely while tucking your tail bone under and pulling your navel to your spine.
4. Continue breathing in this way for as long as feels comfortable.

We do this because we are repositioning our organs by positioning our body differently.
Fire breathing on all fours a few times a day does wonders to get our organs into more comfortable positions.
Fire breathing is best done on an empty stomach. (meaning not a full stomach)

Zanzibar, just type in the main word of any subject your looking for into the search bar at the top left hand side and you'll find loads and loads of info.

It's in the book, page 167.

I don't think it was in the 1st edition so might be why you can't it. It is in a short appendix of the 2nd edition.


Zanzibar - Christine started a whole thread about her new WW version of the Kundalini Breath of Fire. Read it here: