mushroom pessary


A couple of days ago a friend of mine went to have her pessary inserted as it had fallen out 6months ago and she had had to wait all this time to get an appointment. The Dr. told her he had a new type to try which she said looks like a Mushroom shape. it has the dome cap and a long stem which is hollow and about 3½" long. The stem sits in your vagina. Has anyone else been fitted with this sort of Pessary and if so what do you think of it's difference from the regular round ring type. I guess this was a Milex make.

I had been thinking that a mushroom shaped pessary would be ideal shape, so I have cut that shape out a very large sea sponge. Used on a few occasions to good effect for my 3rd degree rectocele - the only reason that I haven't tested the sponge more is because I know it needs reinserting after using the toilet - and as I am teaching at school or generally out and about during the day, I'm not in a position (literally, as I lie lat on the bed) to do the reinsertion. Roll on half term holiday and hopefully a chance to experiment more and let WW members have some feedback. Maybe a silicone type mushroom would actually stay in for longer periods??

Try beeswax! But I bet it will tip on its side if it is too wide.