Light in the Tunnel! Prolapse in Older Women


67 and had a complete hysterectomy 12 years ago.
Developed Vaginal Vault Prolapse gradually, but got very uncomfortable/painful last year because of an infection---possibly because I stopped using Vagifem, local estrogen pills and the vagina got dry.
I was VERY DEPRESSED. I couldn't stand . I couldn't walk. All I could do was swim.
Also I have a cystocele and a bit of a rectocele, but I can hold my bladder better than a lot of folks (judging by plane trips!!!)
Saw Gyno and Uro-gyn, and both were keen to operate.
No way!
I had done my research and decided I could live with the discomfort , but not with the very common post-op complications that I have read about, and an honest locum I went to told me about.

I opted for a pessary. It looks like a dough nut with two finger holes for removng and inserting it ---which I can do myself.
I use Vagifem pills twice a week. ( Maybe a no-no on this site)
It works!
I go to the clinic at the hospital every 3 months to have my tissues checked.
I see the same darling nurse, but as she is training residents, I see a different young doctor.
Last but not least I live in Canada and this treatment, all this care, is covered by our national health plan.
I am an active productive woman again.
Hope this helps some sister out there!

Hi Timmy2

It is great to hear that you are thinking ahead and working with what you have. It seems that you have found a toolbox that is working for you. That is wonderful news.

With what you have endured it would be very easy to sit back and whinge, and not see any way forward. A good, 'can do' attitude is something we all need to cultivate in ourselves.


Hi Timmy2,
Thank you for posting and sharing your story. Phew! Sounds like you've been through some up and down times reading between the lines. It is really good to hear you've found a treatment plan that works for you and you've regained a normal life.I like the sound of 'your darling nurse'. It's amazing what a difference a good personal connection can make.
It's so good to hear of another country with free health care for all. It makes such a positive difference. I think the world would be a better place if this system was the norm.
Wishing you all the best,