Would like more info about Mayan massage.......


Hi there, I believe I posted this questions back in Feb. but I figure new people may have joined, new info may be available now. I did see a post from Nov. 16 referring to Mayan massage done at night by Holly.

I would very much like to learn more about this and am esspecially interested in what I could teach my self and do at home since caring for my todler will probably not allow me to go to a practitioner any time soon to have it done, particularly since there is no one local from what I've seen on their site.

Any insights, books info would be appreciated. Thank you all.

Seems like it could be an important piece of this whole body treatment since after all it directly deals with the problem most of us here are having. Christine, have you had a chance to look into it more? Thanks again.

Yes, Christine, I see why it would not apply in all cases. I was hoping that for the beginning phases of prolapse it may be useful to sort of slip it back into place and then the posture and good diet and all to help maintain it. But I can definitely see that for those with advanced prolapse it may not do much and caution should be exercised.

There are very few resources out there for women who experience prolapse, aside from your web site, book, program and I understand Whole Woman Center now. I just hate to see surgeons buldoze women into such drastic measures when there are gentler, more harmonious things to do that work with nature not against it and don't have such negative permanent consequences.

I guess I was really interested because I do want to do everything to preserve my fertility, organs and fulfilling sex life and every little thing could help. Now we'll see where I stand after this second trimester D&E and what I have left to work with. I guess for once I'll have to put my trust in one of these surgeons and hope he's a good one. Just my luck to finally get pregnant on my own at 45 and have this happen!

Thank you again and hopefully some of the people who've practiced the Maya massage themselves or had it done by certified practitioners will let us know more about it. I've ordered the book. Best wishes,