firebreathing...??? looking for video or something


trying to look more into this but I don't think I am doing it right. Can someone link me to a video or something to show me how I am supposed to do this correctly. Thank you any other great you tube videos as well LOL


Hi Junehy, I don't know offhand of any video footage of firebreathing, other than what is on Christine's DVD. It is a powerful move but a little tricky to learn, because you have to get the breathing right. There are various descriptions if you want to search this forum. The best description and pics are in the book. It isn't something to be undertaken lightly; it's part of the whole WW program of posture and exercise, and it really helps when you are having a "low" moment. I see from another post that you are looking for ways to acquire the book via trade, but I'm unfamiliar with this (what country are you in?) be aware that the other DVD that you have, is not going to be comparable to this program. Educate yourself on this site as much as you can.

Thank you, I am just having to wait a little to buy the set. I was just not sure if they had it on here. I did end up finding a video on youtube and omg it is difficult thats for sure. I can't wait to read the book and watch the dvds!

Hi Junehy

I have been here for eight years and only just mastered firebreathing a few months ago. I just couldn't get it right. Suddenly it clicked. Keep trying.
