Ankles and feet


I have just had a revelation.
Bingled ankle. Don't ask. Music Festival. Dark pavement. No street light. Eating between venues. Aaaaagh! Off the side of the pavement. Rolled ankle. Gravel rash on other leg. *^#@!!!! Saved the dinner. Pain. More pain. Helped by fellow walkers. Finished dinner. Lift back to First Aid. Strapped. Bus back home. Ruined a good evening.

Still strapped, blue and swollen four days later, but now I can at least walk on it normally, albeit slower than normal, which is probably not a bad thing.

I have learned some things from this experience.

1 Wear head torch at all times between venues, especially when enjoying chicken tagine with brown rice. Mmmm-hmmmm! Veges!!!!

2 The best way to walk normally on a bingled ankle is to keep your balance forward, through the middle of the arch so you can move the weight forward over the toes while lifting the back foot, and use the spring of the arch and toes to absorb shock of impact and torsion in the ankle. Esther Gokhale cannot be right about having your weight through the heel. It is too much shock in the ankles, and too easy to overbalance! With the weight through the heel the muscles of the foot are not engaged and the joint is not held together properly. I didn't grok this until my ankle was sore and the nerves were in shock, and unable to intuitively balance the ankle. They seem to have woken up somewhat, today, thank goodness. Two days ago I could not turn left without overbalancing, I think because I was unable to move my weight forward off my heel.

3 I have also discovered that I need more turnout, the further apart my feet are in standing (eg on uneven ground, or on a boat, or in a crowded mosh pit). If I don't have enough turnout my ankles tend to supinate (roll out). I guess this is something to do with the stability of having the femoral heads sunk deeply into the acetabulum, which would stabilise the hip joint, and lower down, the knee and ankle. All I know is that with a sore ankle I am able to feel what feels best (or least worst). I wouldn't normally have noticed it.

Yes, it was an awesome Festival, I came home filled up with joy.



Bingled.....never heard that word, but it's certainly descriptive! Glad you had such a great time, and hope you experience a full recovery from your escapade. And I hope I remember your words of wisdom next time I get bingled. As far as turnout is concerned, it's something I try to cultivate. I'm naturally somewhat pigeon-toed, so if I'm trying to turn out, usually that just makes my feet face forward. Which is why ballet and WW exercising is good for me. Welcome back, Louise!!

Hi Louise,
So glad you had a great time at the festival - and came home filled with joy, even with a bingled ankle! Thanks for sharing your insights with us - and turning an accident into a learning experience!
Hope your bingled ankle recovers soon.

Hi Louised,
Just wanted to say, hope you will soon be back to full health.
Take care, Daphne.

are always interesting to read! feel better :)

Ah, Louise...come May you'll have to sit on the sidelines while the rest of us rock the WW workout. I guess there's a chance it may heal before then, but I think mine took a full 3 months.

I know...we'll find you a long black skirt and a cane to pound the floor with as you correct our posture and utter, tisk-tisk! ;)


I think about you in a long black skirt and a cane and it makes me want to give a a drum that you hit loudly every time someone messes up. All hail the angry limping drummer!

You will heal faster with rest, ice, compression and elevation!
Too much too soon and it will take forever.
and so sorry you turned it. and neat insights.

There will also be fishnet stockings, thigh high boots, an intriguing mask, handcuffs in my pocket, bitch red lipstick, and a whip in the other hand, so look out! Sit on the sidelines? Phooey!

Yes, Alemama, RICE, RICE,RICE! Heavy, full heel lock strapping. I am up to doing a few supination, pronation, extension and flexion exercises, and balancing exercises on a flat floor with a hand hold nearby. No dancing tonight. I will give it a crack next week. The body is miraculous.

Thanks for your good wishes.