WW women posture when sitting


Hi everyone, I am new to the community. I am wondering if anyone has any idea's about how i sit in the WWposture in my chairs without having a sore rear. I sit at the edge of the chair so I can get into posture. Of couse I also have some aching in my back because this is my first week but I also am not having as many symptoms as I was. Very encouraging. I'm still waiting for the book "Saving The Whole Women". I ordered it and I am anxious to read it and excited that I found this web-site. Thanks so very much for all your advice, idea's and information.

Welcome, jaylove

Try Searching the Forums with the Search box.

In summary, it is best to have a seat that is horizontal, rather than sloping back. It is also better if the seat is not dished, so you can separate your knees without the seat trying to push them together again. Long skirts and trousers reduce the modesty problem if you don't have a modesty panel on your desk, and have to face towards other people.

A squished-to-measure or slightly inflatable cushion under your butt can fix the slope, so you can have more support under your legs and less point loads. Straddling it like a saddle can also be comfortable as long as there is some padding, and the front is not too wide.


Thanks Louise for the info. Do you know where one can buy a inflatable cushion??? I'll try searching the forums with the search box - good idea. This computer chair I am sitting on right now is not good - I am trying to find ways of sitting no matter where I am that is comfortable and I'm in the WW Posture. Maybe i'll just have to experiment.


The inflatable cushion I have is a flat, circular rubbery cushion with a knobbly surface, designed for standing on to do balancing exercises for ankle injury rehabilitation. It is a Norco Balance Bubble. I purchased it from a physiotherapist. I only inflate it enough so that it supports the back of my buttocks and spreads the load, about 2-3cm high. I am not using it on my chair at the moment; instead I am sitting on a plywood stool with an old, flattened sofa cushion.


Thanks Louise for your information. Sorry I'm so late in answering. I just now found your reply. I 'm not quite use to this forum yet. Still trying to figure it out. I will see if I can find that cushion you were telling me about. My biggest problem is in the car. When I drive or as a passenger I get symptoms. I bought a back support but that has not solved the problem. I tried searching the net on this forum but without any luck. I drive a Toyota Camry and I think the seats are a little like bucket seats. Anyhow I'm trying to figure out something that will work for me. I would appreciate any idea's or info. you have or any of the ladies on this forum. Thanks so much. You are a blessing to me.


Hi Jaylove,
I have the same sort of car you do and struggle with the seats. Who on earth would design such uncomfortable things?! Anyway - for years I have been using a hot water bottle filled however much or little as seems right to put in my lumbar curve or under my bum. I love it, it is so malleable and in cold weather and long drives I put actual hot water in it and it is divine. After trying back rests, cushions, rolled up towels, etc - it is the bomb. Perhaps that might help you?

Hi Aza, thanks for the idea. I'm going to try to find a hot water bottle in the store. Great idea. I appreciate your reply.
