A little light entertainment


Hi everyone,
I got sent a lovely and amusing text today. Hope it makes you chuckle and smile too.
Here it is:
If my body was a car I would be trading it in for a newer model.
I've got bumps, dents, scratches, and my headlights are out of focus.
My gearbox is seizing up, and it takes me hours to reach maximum speed.
I overheat for no reason, and every time I sneeze cough or laugh, either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires.
Send this to your bestest old bangers! I just did.
She's funny, caring, crazy as heck, sweet, beautiful and reading this text.
Today someone asked if I like you. I laughed and said Ha! Like her!!?
I flipping LOVE her to bits.
Hope this put a smile on your dial


Hi Daphne,
That is funny - the stuff of friends! Thanks for sharing...

Lindy, you forgot the faulty thermostat on the radiator.
