red clover sprouts


What do you think about these?
I got some last week and they were delicious, but maybe not the same thing as the tea?
I could sprout my own if they are good!


Not sure. I just know that in the early livestock research seeds and flowers do not have a lot of bioflavenoids. Nor does hayed off pasture. It needs to be green and harvested no later than early flowering. It is the stems and leaves that have the phytoestrogens. However, it may be that with the new varieties being grown as pasture now, forty years later, the phytoestrogen levels of the green matter may have been bred to be lower, and the seeds may be just as high. I just don't know. I guess the only way to find out is to have some tested for the four bioflavenoids present in red clover, at a chemistry lab, and compare it somehow to tea, which would also need to be tested.