Travel tips


I am due to leave soon on a very long journey - flying time 20 hours - also train travel, driving long hours etc.

Would love any advice you found may have helped you - for example even though I avoid it there will be times I will have to lift a heavy case onto a train, off a carousel etc., lift cabin bags into overhead lockers, sit for very long periods of time ... including trying to sleep ...

Trying to keep WW posture with lumbar curve on an airplane seat ...

Making good food choices while travelling when there is no really good choice!

I first discovered the seriousness of my prolapses while travelling and am a bit nervous - first and foremost do not want to have slow intestinal transit as that sets up a chain reaction with everything else.

So - ideas for lifting safely, sitting well for excruciatingly long periods ... etc


Takecare, I recently returned from a business trip in which travel was by train.
Lessons learned:
Take advantage of the red cap services, it's their job to physically help you with stairs and bags
A lumbar pillow aided with back support, it could be rolled up for fine tuned adjustments
Turning my chair around backwards provided much more comfort, took seating in the back of the room
Opted out of less essential evening meetings which came with alcohol and junk food, took the time to rest in the hotel room.
One time had to carry bags down two flights of stairs. Took it slowly, stayed in posture, tried not to think about the people behind me.

So glad I found this sight before the trip. Don't want to think about how I'd have fared without the information and encouragement found here.

Remember to enjoy the journey

Hi Murano

This type of thinking is essential for a woman wanting to manage POP's. You are understanding this well, and applying it already! Your words remind me that we are quite entitled to look after our own body's needs without trying to please everyone else first. If I see someone going slowly I try to let them go slowly and not hurry them along. I assume, maybe wrongly, that others behind me will be happy to follow at my pace. It is too bad if they get impatient! They can deal with it. Well done.


Hi Takecare,
When I used to go home to England and at the time had an Incontinence problem, I always ordered wheel chair service when ordering my ticket, for when I got to the Airport. I don't know if they still do that but it was most helpful as you got taken along with your carry on bag to the departure area by an employee and also were put on the plane first and helped with putting your bag in the overhead compartment.

I think for food it would be good to take some home made Muffins, I have just cooked a batch of really nice Carrot and Bran ones, if you would like the recipe I will post it for you.

I haven't been on a plane for 14years now but at one time they did give out pillows and blankets. I know things have been cut down a lot since I traveled last.

Wishing you well with your journey, take all the offers of help you can when it comes to your luggage. I have even asked a stranger, that I thought looked strong enough, to take my bag off the Carousel for me. Most people are obliging if you ask. I even made a friend on one of my flights home and we still keep in touch.

Take care and have a lovely visit to wherever you are headed and arrive safely. Best Wishes, Daphne.