First pregnancy delivery with cystocele


This is my first pregnancy and I noticed a prolapse later diagnosed as stage 2-3 cystocele at around week 26. I am now coming up 39 weeks and do not know if I should have an elective c-section or vaginal delivery. I don't see a specialist for recommendations until tomorrow (due to a long waiting list) but would like some advice from people who have had a similar decision to make. As I mentioned this is my first pregnancy and I am expecting a large baby. Apparently this is not very common for a first pregnancy and I have always been slim and have not put on much pregnancy weight so I do not know what has caused it. I do not intend to have any more children. I do not want to risk long term bladder problems.

This subject has been discussed exstensively. Make yourself a mug of red raspberry leaf tea, use the search function, and read away. Best wishes! (As for me, 8 months post partum with my second child and second vaginal home water birth, I can testify that things are fantastic. I run around 12 hours as a nurse at work, and run 12 hours after two active boys at home. Cystocele schmistocele).

Your cystocele will move right out of the way- it will actually be pulled up and out of the way- it's pretty cool how it all works during birth.
Fwiw, my big baby was the easiest to birth :) No room for malpositioning- they get in there and do it right!