stage 3 cystocele


Hi everyone and thanks to Christine for creating this site. I am new here but have read many of the posts and forums which have been very encouraging and reduced my initial FEARS. I have started the exercises and am reading thru the book. I do the firebreathing 3-4 times daily which helps and have found Playtex sport tampons[non perfumed] helps tremedously. I just came from my first appt. with my female gyn doc who was very supportive and I will consider a pessary at some point. She diagnosed my with a stage 3 cystocele and a "very small" rectocele, my uterus remains up quite high, thank god. I hope to lose about 10 more lbs over the next few mos. as have lost 34 ilbs during the past 18 mos. hoping this will also help. I believe stage 4 means the cystocele sits at the vaginal opening or beyond? I would like to see a diagram of the different stages and wondering if the exercises can move it back up eventually? Hoping someone can answer or help me with this. I am 68 yrs and in good health otherwise.

Hi Marg - remember that it is the posture that helps move your organs up and forward. Yes, it can work very well with cystocele if you are diligent about it. You can't just exercise, you have to observe the posture all the time. Any exercises can help with this, as long as you are doing them in excellent posture. Christine's exercises are the best because they really emphasize things like turnout, which enhance the work in huge ways. But even Christine's exercises aren't going to do any good if you aren't in correct WW posture while you're doing them. So don't think of this as an exercise's a new way to live, all day, every day.

Thank you Surviving60. I do realize I need to ALWAYS be mindfull of the posture as well as the exercises in WW posture and find I am increaseingly aware of when I slip into old habits. Looking forward to when this posture becomes an habit!!!!

Thanks Christine for the DHA/Flaxoil and the Honey information. That is amazing about the honey.
