
Hi Everyone,

After a whirlwind week, we have created a whole new Our adorable WW Village is no more for the time being, as Google was having a hard time navigating it and therefore we were losing many potential customers and members.

As you can see, we've incorporated many elements of the Village into the new site. In time we may be able to bring more of the Village back, but for now we have to stay with a more conventional navigational model.

Hope you like it!


I miss the Village, but what I absolutely love about this new layout is that I can send someone a link to, knowing they'll be able to find everything I want them to see! Thanks guys!

Wow, what a shock when I logged in this morning. I have been following along the WW journey for a couple of years now- off and on as time permits. Lately, I have "returned".
I was one of the voters who opted for a different look besides the village when there was a vote on it some time ago.The village was cute but for me on satellite, it was awkward, I also found it "hard to sell" the site to various medical/health professionals that I tried to get interested in the site.
Thankyou again to Christine and all her team. Your hardwork and dedication is an inspiration.

I agree, Gardengirl. The new slick website will be more appealing to those with a professional interest in what we are doing. Bye-bye for now, dear Village.

Man o man I didn't realize how difficult a job it is to relax the lower belly, because we were told from the day we could stand straight and not loose our balance to suck in everything since I've received my bundle I am very conscious of my lower belly, I don't know if it's in my mind but I find when I relax my lower belly and I feel like I need to urinate the minute I relax the urge goes away, I hope this the start of the ending of incontinence, even as I'm sitting here typing this comment I am so aware that my stomach alot of time is not relaxed.
Mahalo, and much Aloha,

Wow, about your body giving you immediate feedback! I think that is really cool. Trust me when I say that you will look back some day and wonder how you ever held your body any other way. Right now it feels so unnatural but one magical day you'll realize that it's become a habit. Keep the chest pulled up, that's what keeps that belly from feeling floppy. - Surviving

The new website is excellent, well done to all. It is a fine advertisement for the WW work and I feel proud to be part of it even in a small way :-)

Wow can't believe how lucky I feel because I am a coward and afraid of pain, that when I was in my middle 50's when I first noticed this bulge I thought I was growing testicles, (lol) I called my sister who worked in the labor and delivery section of the hospital and asked her if she knew what was going on with me, I have 5 sisters and none of them knew or heard of what I was asking them you can just imagine how I felt.
My best friend ( Husband of 31 years)and confident had passed away when I was 50 so I really felt all alone I thought I'll go to the doctor and let me tell you it's been a roller coaster ride after another, until I found this forum Christine and all you wonderful and helpful ladies who are not shy about sharing your experiences.
If any one of you ladies want to hear a fantastic interview you have go on Hysterectomy and listen to Christine interview Nora Coffey from the HERS Foundation very informative and confident building.
Mahalo Christine you are definitely a pure heart and much Aloha,

Wow Christine, I really like it. Congratulations on your hard work and I hope you get a better flow of customers and people who need this info. The photo of you on the homepage is beautiful! Thank you for all the work you have done, and continue to do.

"LifeBlessings" in Australia xx

Hi Christine and WW team,
Wow - it is different. I did love the old site, the gate, the music, the goat, the dancers, the lovely meandering feel of the thing... However, I have to admit I really like this site too. It doesn't have the gloriously organic, feminine, anarchic feel to it, but I have to admit it is a lot easier and quicker to navigate and it still feels friendly and I love the colours and clear lay-out.
Well done you all,

I do like what you have done with the site Christine. It looks pretty, (I thought clean lines, but yes sleek) and inviting with your smiling face on the home page. I had a quick look and find it simple to access information.

Under uterine prolapse, the photograph of the little girl contrasts so clearly with Versalius’ sketch there leaves no room for confusion. I will take a further look at the site later.

Knowing proof reading is just one of those things, under uterine prolapse, paragraph 7, beginning ”Lifting the chest …”, second sentence, there’s a word left out or a few too many.

In the spirit of the early days of printing with moveable type when a prize was offered if any reader could find typos, I just hope you don’t think I’m being pedantic.

Cheers Fab