

I have a stage 3 cystocele and feel like my vagina is always wide open. I use to swim a lot in pools and lakes but have been afraid to since my prolapse. I feel like the water entering my vagina might cause infection and irritation. Am I just being silly or is this a possibility?


Hi redmoon,
I swim lots. I have cystocele, grading is probably 2-3... It comes down to the indroitus, but a little less so and a little later each day as time passes. Any way I am certain that the swimming helps.
I swim in the gymnasium pool - no doubt chlorinated, but no probs so far. I know I felt a bit like you do at first, felt a bit too open, but that has got better.

I remember hearing on dr oz show onetime a urogynocologist saying the vagina is not a sterile place. Not that I believe everything docs say anymore, but I suspect this statement is true. You should be safe enough in regular pools, not sure about the lakes...don't have any of swimming quality near me. Though the idea of swimming in a pristine lake up kakadu way in northern Australia makes sigh with serenity. Aaaah......back to the real world now.
BTW I find breast stroke and board/flipper work to be the best, and giving me positive results. Breast stroke gives the adductors a good workout.
Hope this helps.

Hi redmoon,
Excellent question - and I'm sure you're not alone in wondering about this.
I haven't heard any woman say they'd had any infection or irritation in their vagina caused by swimming. If anyone who reads this post has, it would be helpful to hear from you.
Swimming can be a great WW exercise. I found it very helpful in my prolapse recovery and maintenance. I also swam in a leisure centre which was chlorinated, so it wasn't ideal, but I didn't notice any adverse side-effects. I also envy you your rainwater swims in the outdoors!
I found swimming in breast stroke on my front. This is helpful in promoting WW posture and principles in a variety of ways, including the abdomen and pelvic organs are held forwards (and therefore in their correct position), the whole musculature of the body is exercised (and therefore whole body strength and flexibility is developed), the upper chest is lifted, the feet are arched at times and the water and exercise generally raise happiness levels... All round good thing!

I was outside in my warm spa this morning for quite a while. It actually started raining, which was way cool. We do use some chemical in the spa, but not a lot because it has an ozone sanitiser. My post-menopause vagina and vulva don't mind it one bit. Aussielou, it reminded me of Mataranka.

If I was really stupid I would go and sit in the freezing cold creek, but what is the point of that, with a steaming hot spa up at the house? Our children used to swim in the creek regularly, and never suffered any skin or other problems from it. Mind you, they have pretty good immune systems!


We have a large salt-water pool in the apartment complex where we live. Our son is 17 months now and LOVES to play in the water. We have been swimming a handful of times recently and I do notice that I tend to 'trap' water inside me. I have not had any irritation or problems so far. I swam in the ocean twice last year (5 and 8 months post-partum) but never noticed any 'trapped' water. I don't know if I was and didn't notice or if something has changed. Either way I never had a problem afterwards.

I appreciate your responses. I think I will go for a swim. :)