Is the Housekeeping Forum where you should be posting?


Possibly not. It is a good idea to check at the top of the page and see which Forum you are in before posting a new Topic. This Housekeeping Forum is just for matters *about* the Forums. It is not a Forum where we have posts about prolapse. If you are posting about prolapse then please pick the Forum which looks closest to your subject. It doesn't matter too much if you pick the wrong one.

If you have a question about the Forums, how to use them, questions about your profile, etc, then by all means post in the Housekeeping Forum.


When you create a new topic, you can select a forum for the topic (it’s in a drop-down menu below the text window – you may have to scroll down). If you don’t, then your topic defaults to the Housekeeping forum because that is first on the list and that is the forum that is highlighted. In effect, you are choosing Housekeeping just by not choosing at all. I think this is the reason we have so many topics showing up there. I wonder if this could be changed so that you are forced to make a selection. In the meantime, ladies please pay attention and select the appropriate forum for your new post. - Surviving

I shall ask Lanny the Wizard about this. Thanks Betsy. I never noticed.
