acupunture for pop?


Hello I am very new to this site and in the process of reading Christine's book and and watching the dvd. Just curious, has anyone tried acupunture for prolapse or know if it has any benefit for prolapse. Thanks so much!

Hi karono and welcome! I’m sure if you use the search box above, you will find numerous mentions of acupuncture. I’m 100% sure that there are women on here who have used it. It probably falls into the category of things that can’t hurt, especially if you have used it in the past successfully to treat other issues. Because I have never tried it, it’s not something I would think of trying for my prolapse. Whole Woman gave me plenty of stuff to work on! I am in my third year now, and it has turned me around 360 degrees in how I view my body and my future. Best of luck to you, keep reading and doing! - Surviving

It helped me to manage pain...
But I think the main work on pop relates to the body posture, exercises, diet...

I know we don't have evidence that acupuncture is helpful for POP, or maya massage, chiropractic care, homeopathy, raspberry leaf, nettles or various other herbs, BUT Whole Woman work is whole *body* work. The more you can tweek for the better in other areas, the better you will be able to support your pelvic organs. Diary your results carefully. Unless women keep accurate records it is impossible to know whether or not any modality is working in favour of good pelvic organ support.

Simply freeing your shoulders or upper back from stiffness can have a very significant impact on your lower body posture. In turn ...


Hello, I'm new to all of this myself, but I'd like to give my insight into acupuncture/acupressure (same points: needles/hands) and why I will definitely be using it for treatment.

I originally thought acupuncture was pointless and did nothing, of course I also knew nothing about why the points were located and used. My grandmother left me with a *gigantic* alternative medicine (+integration into conventional) book several years ago, and I loved it. Having grown up in the awful environment I did, I suffered many health problems that conventional medicine never would acknowledge or treat (I also didn't tell my doctors most things, but they certainly neglected enough to be upsetting!), I was very interested in that book and I read it cover to cover. Except... I passed over everything concerning acupressure and aromatherapy, deeming those to be "fake" things that wouldn't help. However...

When I hit the back of the book, where the indexes were, I noticed something... My grandmother, who I had respected and held much faith in, had marked many of the acupressure points in pencil. I wondered why she would do that, and a few weeks after putting the book down, I picked it back up again and checked those treatments out. At the time, the most daunting physical ailment I suffered from was a severe tinnitus. I no longer remember what it was called, but in addition to loud jackhammer or ancient-MRI-like noises (that I swore someone else would be able to hear, but never asked) and normal high-pitched ringing, I had intense throbbing revolving around somewhere inside the left side of my head. It was hard to hear anything, and my ear was always throbbing, and it would sometimes take up some 75% of my head. It was beyond maddening, presumed to be a result of surgery I had at age 16 to remove my internal jugular vein (I had Lemierre's Syndrome, that was the entry point of a bacteria causing blood clots in my body, and it was deemed not salvageable). From what I had read previously, I would be stuck with that for the rest of my life. I'd tried nutritional cures (almonds providing the most relief), but I could never get rid of it. Since surgery was reported to often make it even worse, I hardly even considered having more of that. I was not working, and felt like even ignoring all of my weakness overall, it would have been "impossible" to work with that throbbing. It made me seriously consider suicide.

So I picked this book up and headed to the acupressure cures for tinnitus. I pressed all of the points related to it just as instructed, I don't think I held any point for more than 1-3 minutes, and there were no more than 5 points. I think it was on the second point when all the sudden IT STOPPED. Only the high pitched ringing remained, which by the end of the session was also gone. It was one of the most amazing things I'd ever experienced. I'd had that tinnitus for over 3 years already. There was no way I could relate this instantaneous cure to anything else. It was nothing short of amazing. Something I thought was caused by physical damage in a place I couldn't reach, was cured, just like that, just from knowing where to press on my body. It only came back once, about 3 days later, to be removed again by the same points, and since then I've only had light throbbing on VERY rare occasions when I've not slept for a long time and have eaten poorly. I went years without getting it again at all, and any high pitched ringing goes away by simply rubbing my ears.

I'm no expert, but the concept for using acupressure for prolapses involves "moving the chi upward" to pull the organs back into place (during menstruation, chi is moving downward very much, I assume the same goes for having a baby, but don't quote me). I can't afford to go to a practitioner, but I've been studying acupressure and other Ayurvedic & Chinese remedies on my own for years. I intend to combine Esther Ting's internal organ and meridian exercises (from a very nice TCM book) with points for prolapses, more breathing exercises, walking, and whatever else I manage to learn about balancing during this kind of treatment. I may not obtain any of the herbal formulas that a practitioner would prescribe, but I can make things like ginseng and orange peel teas, which raise chi.

Of course, I'm also correcting my posture! Oh, it sure is tiring hahaha. I haven't read Christine's book, but as for comparing and figuring out which information I think is correct, I've chosen the Whole Woman approach. The outlook is very logical and definitely relates to my own body. I've often given up on curing things that would take too long, due to my lack of energy, but I'm pretty determined to not do that this time. I feel like I'm finally on the verge of freeing myself of so many physical and mental ailments and having the energy to live, which I lost during.. say.. puberty. But I better stop rambling so much, in short - I've seen acupressure heal unreachable parts of my body before, so I've got it try it for this too!

I am so glad that you shared this story! Thank you. I would sure love to know the name of that book that your grandmother gave you. Thank you and best wishes to you.

I had what felt like an eardrum bursting years ago during a plane ride landing and since then have had weird whooshing sounds in my head. I also hear my voice amplified really loud sometimes when I'm talking. Maybe the acupressure will help.


How many times have we heard that. I love it when somebody has added notes, or underlined for later reference. It is vandalism if it is not your book, but it has obviously been a very valuable window into the mind of your very wise grandmother. She was communicating with you!!!! You lucky woman!

I am going to write more in my books from now on, for my kids to find when I am dead!

Louise :-)