The Rover is now roving


Well, NASA has landed the Rover safely!

Does it strike anyone as odd that it is possible to land this little space laboratory on wheels safely on another planet, yet there is not enough money to research transparently and honestly how it would be possible for women to birth their babies
* with the least amount of intervention my hospital staff, and
* more babies surviving birth
* mothers surviving the birth process, and
* thriving in their mother-baby nursing relationship,
* with minimum birth trauma and
* without the ensuing postpartum pelvic organ prolapse?

That's my dream.

Congratulations NASA! You have done well, and thanks for the cool eclipse viewing glasses in May. That was awesome!

USA maternal and newborn survival rates are abysmal for such a rich country. Birth mutilation of women's vulvas and bellies is rife, and accepted. Australia needs to pull up its socks in the unnecessary/inappropriate intervention department as well!

Come on ObGyns. You can do much better for mothers and babies, and their families than you are doing!!!!!!

USA Members, would you lobby for more money for space exploration by USA government?

USA Members, would you lobby for more money for safe labour and birth for mothers and babies by USA government?

Australian members, would you lobby for more money for research into reducing interventions in births in Australia that are not done in the interests of baby and mother?

I know one first time mother who recently came within a hair's breadth of dying from postpartum haemorrhage, and another first time mother who had two failed inductions which resulted in an emergency caesarian. Fortunately both mothers and their babies lived to tell the tale.

How much of this trauma was really necessary???


I'm on board with you on this one Louise! Great point - well said. It has gotten a little better - back when I had my first baby - I was young and terrified. They would not let my husband into the room at all. I was alone with not support and scared to death. At least that has changed. Anyway I had a bad experience that I won't go into. We could all boycot up and down the sidewalks in front of the hospitals or wherever we thought we would be seen. We need to come up with a way to bring this to the high officials attention. Anyway you are right.


this research is valuable- when we use this earth up, we're going to need to be able to go to another one.

*I don't really mean that....though I am sad we seem to not care that we are using up the earth...

Of course it is valuable. All sorts of useful products and awe inspiring information have come out of it, but I think there is a more pressing and immediate need for knowledge about the basic process of human birthing, which is seemingly ignored by those who seek to 'manage' it.

Couldn't agree more Louise. Seems tragic to me that so many governments appear to be prepared to put more money into sapce exploration than looking after the people, what we have here on earth and the earth itself. Especially in these days of austerity. Strange days indeed.
Time for female influence to share centre stage and bring the world back into balance.
From one goddess warrior to another:-)

There are so many areas of human existence that needs change - and a change in where our research and dollars go.
I grieve for our world that fights.
I grieve for cultures where women are treated badly
I grieve for our "modern society" with all the materialism, waste and greed.
I think about all the money and effort spent on space travel and Olympics and yearn for clean energy.
I know the Buzz words are "climate change" but I think the climate does some pretty big changes all on its own. However- environmental degradation due to human greed, laziness and thoughtfulness is undeniable in our water, soil and air. No one in their right mind could deny that

garden girl. amen

If this was a male problem you would certainly see a lot more effort being put into its research!
