Extreme Vaginal Dryness


Hi All -

Haven't posted in a long time as things have been going well. Most recently and suddenly I have been experiencing extreme vaginal dryness. I'm not sexually active so that's not an issue. I am peri menopausal and my problem is a constant burning sensation around the vagina. It's so uncomfortable that it even hurts to walk or put on pants. In a moment of desperation, I ran up to the local drug store and purchased some Replens suppositories and have had some relief, however I bought the pre-filled applications and I'm finding that I need to use it every day, not every three days as the directions suggest. I have an appt to see the doc next week and wondered if any of you had some suggestions as I expect the doc will recommend HRT. I've read a lot on this site about red clover balms, black cohosh, and even honey (does this really work?). I have not a clue about where to buy this stuff, how to mix it, etc. I need a "simple" treatment that does not require mixing herbs, etc, as I am not experienced in this area. I've also heard that applying olive oil can be helpful. That's something I can get right out of my cupboard, so does any one know if it's safe and how to use it? Do I just ly back and pour it in to the vagina?

Thanks for any suggestions,

You will hear more from more experienced than me, but there was a recent in depth discussion of honey recently. I am sure it will come up if you enter it in the search. I believe that Christine recommends a pea-sized amount of raw organic honey. You can do that every day and it will help with many things including dryness. There is no danger with this simple natural remedy, and there can be much danger when using those medicines (with all those things in them that we cannot even pronounce). Good luck to you!

Marric, I don't think you need to pour oil into your vagina. A little on a finger will do the same job. We are not talking about a large quantity. Just enough to lubricate. Some people prefer particular types of oil. I have used cold-pressed extra virgin with no problems. Others say that virgin olive oil has something in it that irritates. Cold pressed, unprocessed coconut oil is great because it has a melting point close to body temperature, so there is no friction needed to apply it.

I too had this burning during perimenopause. It did eventually go away. Vitamin E cream also helped considerably, though it did sting initially. I would try honey. I didn't know about its use in the vagina and vulva at that time. Any old honey unprocessed honey will be best. Honey is antimicrobial. If it has bees legs and wax on the top it is unprocessed! If you prefer medical grade honey, try the pharmacy or healthfood shop.
