post prolapse pregnancy


hi everyone
i thought i would add my story in case it is of any help to anyone considering pregnancy post-prolapse.
i have had pelvic organ prolapse (bladder, bowel and uterus) since the birth of my first daughter 3 years ago and although i wanted another child i was TERRIFIED of being pregnant again, let alone going through another labour.
my uterine prolapse did get worse during the very early weeks but then in the second trimester when my uterus grew out of my pelvis it was lifted right up out of the way. it was very liberating, felt like things were back to normal again! my cystocele did worsen as time went on and the pressure on my pelvic floor increased. the rectocele didn't really change one way or another and i made sure i didn't get constipated which might have made things worse.
I also followed christine's posture and did my kegels every day...

I chose to have an elective caesarean which my gynecologist supported me in. I just didn't feel that i had the internal or external resources to have a successful natural vaginal delivery and feared that i would end up having an instrumental delivery again.

My little girl is now 7 weeks old and overall things have gone back pretty much to how they were prior to this pregnancy. Maybe a tiny bit worse but I am confident that i can restore the balance if i work on posture and pelvic floor exercises. I hope things won't get any worse as i know it's early days but i am pleased that i managed to survive another pregnancy and birth apparently without too dire consequences (being cautiously optimistic!)

I hope this is of help x

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Hi Georgina!

Congratulations on your little one and thanks so much for checking in here...I've thought of you and Marcella several times these past months.

Yes..."restoring the balance" is just the right framework. All the best to you!

:-) Christine