Another useful aspect to the ww site


I am "Celestine Prophecy" enthusiast- you know sometimes things happen and you have some real AH Ha moments. My prolapse journey has been like that.
Now I am experiencing a different journey- one I was trying to ignore. This is a bit of a story. It is not related to prolapse so maybe it shouldn't be here.
The short version of the story is that suddenly I have come to understand that Coal Seam Gas mining is a very bad thing. Not only is it bad for our water and environment, it is evil from a social perspective.
I had seen various bits and pieces about it but recently a range of different events have occurred that has dispelled any thoughts that Coal Seam Gas mining was in any way good for our country.
The very least of my concern is that we are trying to sell our lovely 5 acre property and while there is no mining near us - yet, the very mention of that topic is enough to make real estate values plummet.
This evil is soo much bigger than my personal situation- it is about our generations to come and about our communities.
In Western Queensland Australia there is mention of farmers being so distraught that they say "I am just going down the back paddock to fix the fence"- and they never return. Their farmland has been turned into an enormous spiderweb of pipes, mines, compressors 24hours a day, leaking gases, lakes of toxic water. They receive very little remuneration and are helpless to stop what has happened.

So I am on a big learning curve and am starting a new journey as I do my bit to help "Lock the Gates" to Coal Seam mining. It is taking up a lot of my time now and it is not what I had in mind to be doing. But sometimes you have to do what you know you have to do.
My husband and I have spent countless hours talking about it and we often have lost sleep over it- as has so many people who have been affected by this evil industry.

So I find reading the forum a great distraction and I forget about Coal Seam Gas- for a while.

Thanks for posting this, Gardengirl. One day the planet will heave a giant sigh of thanksgiving for all the people who fight for her wellbeing, and for their own wellbeing. Think globally. Act locally.


I can so identify with what you are saying, Gardengirl. In my neighborhood, the issue is fracking for natural gas, and everything that comes along with that. My involvement in protest of this practice has opened my eyes to many, many things of which I was previously oblivious. Since then, Whole Woman and Christine's teachings have opened me up to even more. You are right - advocating for postural maintenance of prolapse is an excellent break from the rest of the world's troubles!! Making the world a better place, one woman at a time. Thanks for posting - Surviving

Thanks so much for this, Gg. There is so much work to do! Lanny and I were just talking about the mesh industry and how "everyone" wins - the surgeons, hospitals, manufacturers, lawyers, medical schools, kids in private schools. The only losers are unsuspecting women who provide a free resource for a Huge industry. I think it's bogus that all these attorneys are really fighting to stop mesh surgeries. Rather, the price of the product has built into it the cost of litigation. All the horrendous industrial rackets target either the earth or women.

Here we have escalating plutonium production, the deadliest industry ever. How ironic that it is taking place in one of the most beautiful places on earth. Escalating uranium production is happening too, in the breathtaking land we used as a backdrop to WWY3.

Gardengirl, I am so proud of you and if WW can help in any way let us know! We're working as hard as we possibly can to turn the tide on prolapse and hip surgery, but ultimately Whole Woman is about Whole Earth.

I love you all!


Absolutely agree! If ever a tipping point was needed - it's now. Now could be the time that the tide turned and we started to make things better. Just been listening to Al Gore on TED talks (brilliant site!). He advocates we use the power of the purse, our choices and using our vote - to be 'part of the change we want to be'. We need to put the eco into economics!
Hey I'm quite chuffed with that soundbite! :)

Thank you so much for the support. I am in information gathering mode at present. There is a rapidly growing movement that is spreading across the land and growing. It is uniting people in a way that I have not seen before. I am trying to establish where I fit in best. In our part of the land, the "Lock the Gate" initiative seems to be the most organised and galvanised movement. Go to http:/ This initiative is exciting and spine chilling.
There are many other sites and links if you google coal seam gas
We are building an infrastructure, neighbour to neighbour, exponentially expanding. We are not going to sit back and moan that there is nothing we can do. Everyone can do a bit and those that can do more are doing it - or about to as is my situation. I want a better world for our future generations.
I shall keep you posted from time to time.
Meanwhile to our recent newcomers to this site, welcome to your journey with prolapse. It will take you many places and while part of the journey is hard, there will be rewards beyond your present understanding.
Di from Down Under

Who's in charge anyway? I feel like my eyes are opening wider every day and what I see is just devastating.