

Hi ladies,
Problem....I have ZERO control over gas when standing or walking (in posture of course).
Any ideas? I have no other incontinence. I am now 6 months pp and did mention
this to docs (2 different docs) at 6 weeks check, they both shrugged their shoulder and said
"so what"....NOT helpful!
Obviosly this can be very embarrassing, especially if in a restaurant!
Any ideas or exercises that would help this problem (or the cause), I would like to go out every once in a while!

Any trauma to the perineum or internal anal sphincter?

Yes, ventouse and mediolateral episiotomy, because of transverse head.
No mention at time of internal anal sphincter trauma, but did have incontinence and
urgency for a while (that I don't have now).

Well, as far as I know, the only thing that would cause incontinence of flatus is damage to the internal anal sphincter. I suppose that damage could come from the inside due to excess pressure (unrelenting constipation), but most commonly from perineal lacerations.

Here’s an article I wrote on the subject a few years ago. As you will discover, there is no real fix for this - hence your doctor’s completely inappropriate response to your suffering.

I do think this could improve on its own with time. WW posture will keep pressure off the area, which surely is indicated. Try to relax and take good care of your adrenals (your stress glands), which produce androgens that are active in the perineum. Both LH and testosterone play roles in nerve regeneration.

Please keep us posted on your progress.


I have an occasional mild problem like this. Nothing like what you're describing, sea turtle, but annoying nonetheless. I've had episiotomies but I don't know much about how they were done. I also have bowels that are very sensitive to stress.

What I do know, is that the surprise gas escapes have been drastically reduced since adopting WW posture! Keeping some pressure off of the problem helps enormously. - Surviving

Thanks, Surviving, for making this important point. Like the vagina, the rectum is a flattened, airless space when the pelvis is "locked" into the position of stability by a full lumbar curvature. Run the experiment of trying to allow gas to escape while standing in WW posture and you will probably be delighted by the results.

Thanks Christine for pointing out this connection. Before WW I used to pop a lot of Beano!! Never really knew if that was good or bad for me, but that and careful planning were my only weapons.....