hysterectomy and the Whole Woman


Please read (click here) what every post-hyst woman needs to know about the dynamics of pelvic organ support.

...and please pass this vital information along!

Thank you so much Surviving for your words of encouragement. It has motivated me. I keep saying to myself: "keep the vaginal vault forward." I'll try to stay with it 100% from here on in. I'll keep you posted. However, I just read my Drs literature on the surgery, which includes sewing up the vagina. I looked the procedures up that my Doc's literature mentioned in "Saving the Whole Woman," (pages 51 & 52) and now I am saying as my mantra, "no way." Thanks again, Coping

When I began this journey with the wonderful yoga DVDs I couldn't imagine doing a squat! Was sure uterus would slide out. It didn't and I make it though all the exercises just fine. When I played the barefoot running part of WW3 I had to laugh because for years I said "anyone with a uterus shouldn't jog." I thought that's how women got prolapses. I never ran and got the full POP anyway.
My daughter is always experimenting with the latest nutritional craze and recommended the paleo diet book. The author suggests barefoot running to strengthen the arches/lower back. Where had I seen that??!!
This winter I was doing it in place or in my hall. Tried it at the Fit Center's indoor track and when we don't have cold & rain (Chicago area) I tip toe run outside. It's such a freeing feeling and a cardio workout, which I need. Cant wait to try the jumping in place. I've had 2 days of constant uterine dropping and know the colon is falling down too. Spent hours trying to figure out what splinting was, read pages of forum to finally get a description but can't seem to do it. Keeping very regular helps and "we're" doing wheat free now (paleo was a little extreme) so that's not an issue.
I've read the anatomical chapters of the WW book several times trying to understand the concept of pushing organs forward. The colon is at the back of the body right? the bladder forward and that's where the uterus should be. I've always been told I have a tipped uterus and now when I push it up, it goes back not forward.
Christine's next book (please): edit the first to make the medical much simpler. Incorporate Info from the forums to help us during the journey. I'd never heard of compression garments, pessaries, or splinting. I think I'm doing the posture but reread several forum conversations today and think I'm pushing my belly fwd too much ! After re reading the first part of the book, I realized the focus on the breath which I think I do, but have old bad habits of holding my breath. Paid close attention and things seemed better. I need to access the wisdom of these pages more often. Not having a home computer (use the library) limits my ability to do that. I feel so much better reading these encouraging words. thank you ladies.
