

Hi all, just wanted to let you all know I am still here in spirit, just REALY BUSY at the moment.

Nothing from twitter, other then random posts (disappointed there).

Just checkin in

Thanks for the check-in, do stop back when you can!! We're hangin' in! - Surviving

I was wondering about you and how you are doing. If busy, hopefully feeling better as well. Best wishes to you

Good to hear from you Prolapse2012.

It’s usual custom to reply within two weeks, but with the twitterverse it appears to be instantaneous, and that having not happened….but don’t be too disappointed yet. I remember back in the seventies, yes that old, starting my first business and learning how to out of books. I read an American one (title and author long lost from memory). I had borrowed it from the library. (Yes, that broke.) on marketing which advised about leafleting as a new, innovative attention grabber for the small business person. Remember, this was before we received a tree branch worth in the mail box every week and the local newspaper being filled with another branch worth. And the advice was to contact this way three times. The first leaflet about 8” by 2’ I letterboxed, got a few responses, the second some two weeks later many more and the third, a week later, there was a definite easing off of response. All of which the author had predicted. But the principle was three tries at communicating and that’s what I suggest we try. For the second contact, I also suggest we ask the receiver for something specific even if just a comment. Then the form of the third contact can be decided later in response to any response.

It is great to see this little group getting stuck into Twitter. Keep going. I am not in the Twitterverse yet.
