snap.. crackle.. pop..


Not sure what in God's good green earth just happened but I felt like my uterus - or something in it - just snapped. I was "standing" on my knees changing my toddler and leaned backwards to get something and then, with my belly jutting out in front of me and my arm sstretched out behind me reaching for the diaper, I felt like something popped/snapped/crackled. At first I thought my kid must have kicked me but then it happened again a little while later, this time no kids nearby. Same spot, right side of my uterus which is right underneath my belly button now at 20-21 weeks. It's a similar feeling to when I stretch and crack my neck, if that makes sense. I would be very worried but I'm not in the least bit of pain. What could this be?

The iliopsoas tendon snapping over the iliopectineal eminence or the femoral head, probably.

I wouldn't worry about it.

So happy for you, btw! :)

Are you pregnant? When I was in labor I felt this same 'snap' i thought it was sort of a pop! it was quite bizarre and my midwives thought I was crazy!

Thank you Christine, I knew I could get an answer here! I read something about it being the bags of water rubbing against each other but thought it unlikely as it felt like a tendon snapping.

Samanthar now that you mention it, I vaguely remember a popping feeling during my last childbirth...