Prolapses and chlorinated swimming pools


I am going on a vacation this winter to a place with a chlorinated pool. Would swimming in chlorinated water be a bad idea for my POP? My cervix is often peeking or coming on through. Have any of you had experience with swim pools?


I don’t foresee any problem with the chlorine. If a pool is over-chlorinated I know it can sting your eyes a bit, and maybe someone with a chest complaint might feel a bit wheezy. I personally have not had trouble with it affecting my uterus in anyway. I do wear a panty liner when I go swimming, but that is more to camouflage my prolapse rather than actual physical protection; more a psychological protection thing really.

With swimming I find the breast stroke to be kindest on my prolapse especially if I do a frog movement with my legs rather than up and down kicking, but I am a lazy old duck.

Also with the swimsuit I try to buy a boy’s leg style rather than a bikini style as I feel that the prolapse is less noticeable, but that’s up to you.

Swimming is a sublime activity and I really should do more of it. Hey, go for it.

Just remembered when I was sixteen and all those superb young men (totally unattainable by the way as they were either related or high maintenance) with blond hair who claimed it was the chlorine in the pool that made their hair go green. Was it ever true?

But it sure made me wary of chlorine.

Hi Discouraged, and Fab

Pools can be a bit tricky to get right. Stingy eyes is usually caused by excess acidity, while green hair is some other problem,, but I remember having a blonde friend who did a lot of competitive swimming who also had green hair. Perhaps some hair is more susceptible to going green?

Professionally maintained pools are often better adjusted than private pools. I would say have a try. Whether or not you have a prolapse, water will get in your vagina. Your cervix should rise while you are in the water. My pelvic organs kind of float back inside me in the water, and my vagina is not clamped shut by gravity. Chlorine is a sanitiser, so a chlorinated pool will have less germs than your bath water.

Selfconsciousness is probably your main enemy. I think sometimes we presume that everyone is looking at us, when they are not. They are all being selfconscious about themselves, in either their discomfort or their self-admiration!

Choice of swimsuit is another factor. You can buy attactive swimsuits that cover your upper legs and groin area, eg skirted styles. You might be able to find a specialist swimsuit shop. Every city has one, because most women hate buying swimsuits. They can be very unforgiving garments and need to fit properly, especially if they are to be used for actual ... um ... swimming. You will know when you find one that is just right for you.


Hi Fab,
Thanks for the advice. I have the little boy shorts and stand ready to take the plunge!

Thanks, Louise. The swimsuit was actually the first thing I thought of. Only recently did I think of my silhouette. LOL.

I remember that, back in the day. I think some products actually are new and improved!

Here is a story meant to be funny but oh so true. I was lucky to be given free travel in first class recently. Seats were not too far from the bathroom which is good since I am constantly drinking water to stave off UTI's. OK. Here's the rub: The bathroom is a tiny closet. If you cannot do the trick by sitting totally erect upon their little seat, you are out of luck. I had to shove my seat toward the back as far as it would go to get in any sort of useful urinating position. already my knees were brushing up against the door and my head was pressed against it. There was NO way I could get my hands down to the floor. Yikes. I finally felt the urine coming and gave a sigh of relief but when I stood up I saw that it had not hit the mark. Rather, it had deflected off of the back of the toilet seat and run onto a little tilted platform that directed it to the floor! I stood up. I was standing in a puddle and it was of my own making. Determined to clean up after myself, I grabbed the tiny paper towels that came out one at a puny time and mopped things up as best I could. There was no place to put it but in a tiny little garbage pocket slit into the wall. I felt like a criminal for some reason, having carefully wiped off the bottom of my birkenstocks so I wouldn't leave a trail. Later, I imagined the flight attendants looked at me strangely. Well, first class passengers just aren't what they used to be, I'm thinking they were saying.

in first class. Ah, maybe our betters don't need to piss or don't notice what's on the floor. (The few I know certainly don't appreciate getting it.) Yes, I've never understood the design of plane toilets. They actually seem designed to cause spills and oftentimes the hostesses have a little pantry opposite, and yes, they do pause in whatever they are doing, look at you when you come back out, with their eyes just glancing over the loo's floor, and you just know that severe look is a long practiced nanny one ensuring you had better hang on next time or you won't be being served tea. It would have to be man design.

Well I spent so long cleaning up with those itsy bitsy paper towels that I doubt they really noticed. Yes, on this plane even the attendants were men. After the plane ride it finally occurred to me how funny it really had been and I thought that this was the only venue where I could share it. It really is funny to me! Only people on this forum could understand the 'OH NO' factor and gasp that came when I realized that I had peed on the floor in the first class loo. LOL

Hey you were peeing down on all of us at how many miles up? Good for you and it deserves a skit in a comedy show

Just something I want to pick up on here: When the uterus is well out of the vulva, its own weight and the accompanying fallen force of surrounding muscle means that the uterus needs to be manually pushed back past the pelvic bones with the palm of one’s hand. It requires a gentle, but persistent push. It is of considerable weight, and its misalignment means its route home is not direct, nor without hindrance. In this case the uterus will not float back inside the vagina just through the process of full body immersion in water and a horizontal position as in swimming or floating and the accompanying lessening of the pull of gravity.

The breast stroke with the frog leg movement I find is a much more comfortable swimming style as it creates a certain gentle piston motion in the pelvic area while the kick is in a way like quick, short steps and can cause strain on the pelvic area. At the very least it does not return protruding property.

The concept of best breathing, about which surviving60 reminded us on another thread, has a bearing here. I find I intake breath with the push out of my arms and legs and exhale with the return of my arms to my side and my legs together. This is natural to me and I have not lined this up against the concept of diaphragm breathing, but it seems to bear up. Any thoughts on this?

I cannot do a really good flutter kick with the arthritis in my knees but a frog kick will work well, I think. I use my hand to reposition quite often; know what you mean. First I lean way forward at the waist for a few seconds, then give a gentle push and if I meet resistance I wait and then try again. It will be interesting to see how the water affects it all. I've quite taking baths for fear of a UTI. Hair turning green will surely be the least of my concerns but I do remember those sixties swimmer boys and I believe they wore Speedos. Yikes.

Budgie smugglers.

Thanks for the laugh, Discouraged. While reading your anecdote, I had a strong feeling that I'd had a similar experience somewhere in my past. But I seem to have blotted out the memory for the most part! - Surviving

LOL! I don't think I have ever been in an aeroplane toilet that has a dry floor, though I have never travelled first class. I feel sorry for the men who feel they have to stand upright and aim straight, especially if they have been drinking dutch courage beforehand. Trains are even harder, clickety clack, clickety clack ...

Has anyone whose cervix protrudes tried fire breathing before diving in. Would this replace the uterus inside? A relaxed belly would be essential. A low bend with a relaxed belly would surely tip it back inside, and a firebreath exhale and suck the navel up under the diaphragm with locked epiglottis would help to bring it inside, surely. I am fishing in the dark here, because I do not have this degree of prolapse. I am curious to know.
