not sure if I can get pregnant


Hello everybody I am new here. Five years ago I delivered my daughter naturally not by choice the epidural never came, anyway after delivery the doctor became impatient and pulled out the placenta with the cord. Needless to say the bleeding wouldnt stop 3 hours later I was taken to surgery to get a hysterectomy which turned out to be unnecessary. As a result of him pulling out the placenta my uterus became twisted inside of me. I was told he took it out twisted it back to how it shoulx be and returned it to its proper place. I have been trying for two years to become pregnant. I have had 2 chemical pregnancies. My condition is not totally a prolapse but I am looking for help. I have another doctor appointment next month.

Hi alpbtm56, this is a pretty complicated question for our forum, but someone here might have some relevant experience or advice. I myself had to look up “chemical pregnancy” as I was not familiar with the term. I see that it refers to a very very very early miscarriage (as opposed to a false positive on a pregnancy test). Are you wondering if you can get pregnant with your uterus possibly not in the normal position? I don’t know why not…..can you feel your cervix? I’d like to see someone in your situation adopt Whole Woman posture, which does as much as anything possibly can to restore the uterus to the optimal position; it has certainly done so for some our members. Have you checked it out at all, on this site? - Surviving

Dear apbtm56,

So sorry to hear of your two miscarriages. The loss to you and your husband is never retrievable and yet a new pregnancy would do much to assuage your pain. I certainly wish you success in your quest.

So, you are suspecting that a uterine abnormality caused by your doctor assisting at your first birth may be the cause of your chemical miscarriages. Have they commented on this in any way? I know that it is very difficult to discover the reasons for miscarriage, but I would have thought it is possible to determine whether your uterus is ok to conceive and carry, but then on second thoughts maybe not. I know women have talked about their placenta being pulled and bringing the uterus with it and I was under the impression that they went on to have more babies. You could use the search box above to look for relevant threads, try; placenta, uterus out etc.

As well as the posture that surviving mentioned, ladies here with prolapse do a lot of what is referred to by Louised as jiggling. If for instance a lady’s uterus descends uncomfortably or interferes with her urination, she may bend over forwards from the hips and rock back and forth, or jump/jiggle up and down in order to work the uterus back up the vagina canal for it to finally rest naturally in its true position above the pelvic bones. If you are thinking that your uterus is misplaced then perhaps if you pursued similar actions to jiggling and the WWposture and Christine’s exercises you may be able to turn this around. It is an appealing option.

Best wishes, Fab