Looking for answers


I am 2.5 weeks post delivery if my baby and discovered prolapse. It has been getting better during the night and less severe when I wake up in the morning, but by the end of the day I can feel the bulge and see the bulge when I go to the bathroom. I went to the doctor the other day and it was a morning appointment so everything seemed to be in the right place according to my doctor but she said it will come and go and may have to fit me with a pessary if it persists. She sent me on my way with instructions to do 50-100 kegels a day without much hope. My question to the forum is this come after delivery and does it get better with healing? I am breast feeding so will it improve as my estrogen levels increase over time? I am so upset and worried that there is no hope! I ordered the book and DVD but haven't received it yet. I am only 33 and hoping that I won't have to live with this at such an early age! Please give me any advice or feedback. I may be living in false hope but I would like to believe that this is temporary

Hi Frankie and congrats! We have lots of young moms on here, and I’m sure that the first thing they’d say to you is, it’s way too soon to worry this much! I remember feeling plenty bulgy after both of my (very large) babies were born. I wouldn’t have expected to feel any other way. Over time, I healed, and I felt better, and my prolapses didn’t come back for almost 2 decades. Had I known and implemented Whole Woman posture, who knows if they would have come back at all?

So I would suggest that you check out the resources here. Learn the posture, right now while your body still has a good memory of what it feels like to carry your organs toward the front. Forget the kegels, because they only draw the organs toward the vagina, not away (Christine has written extensively on this subject on her blog). While waiting for your stuff, go to Resources and look for the video page, then watch the first one for a good overview. Start getting used to the feel of the relaxed belly and pulled-up chest. Don’t suck in your abs, don’t tuck your butt under, but rather, stand in the beautiful and graceful shape that women have been assuming ever since they stood upright! Your pelvic organs will have a place to go, and they will thank you.

Most importantly, enjoy your babe. They’re only little for a short time…. - Surviving

And PS: It can take up to 2 years for your body to heal. So relax and start now to do the right things for it.

Thank you so much for your comment; it's so reassuring to hear something positive! It's also comforting to hear that you had some of the same issue after giving birth...we're they similar to mine? According to what I have read my prolapse would be considered stage 3 or 4 depending on the day or hour. It seems like it is so severe right now and all I can think about is wanting to still be able to be close to my husband intimately as well as have an active healthy lifestyle. My doctor told me heavy lifting will make it worse so I may have to modify my lifestyle and if I want to workout I will most likely need a pessary. It all just seems so extreme for a healthy 33 year old.

I took your advice and watched the video. I anxious to get the DVD so I feel more confident that I am doing the modified kegels correctly. I hope to see some improvement in a couple of months after being diligent with the exercises.

Thanks again for your reply...I really needed to hear that there is a light at the end of the tunnel

Welcome to this site and Congratulations on your new baby !!! Yes, it is frightening to discover this, you are not alone with that. However, you have just given birth and your body needs some time now to heal. You are young and in time you will see much improvement. that is great that you ordered the book and dvd. First, you want to study the posture and you can find that in the FAQs. Scroll down and watch Christine's little video. You want to begin there.....relax your tummy, breath into the tummy, lift the chest, crown of head reaching upward. Since you are only just recovering, take it slow with exercise...maybe a little walking to get started, and always in WW posture. All of your improvement will really happen because of this posture. when you are ready, you can try the dvd when you get it....But do go easy with it. Yes, you are young and fit, but still go very slowly as you build these muscles with the concept of building your new posture. Best wishes and much love to you. Keep posting your questions!

Hi Frankie

Have a look at the Pregnancy and Prolapse Forum. I notice that you posted this in the Housekeeping Forum. It is easy to do. Don't worry about it. I have shifted it to the P&P Forum.

You can also use the search box to look for some of the keywords you have mentioned. There are hundreds of stories just like yours.

It will get better. Promise. You just have to do what the other ladies have suggested, and your body will revert in time. Hey, it took 9 months to be the size of a champion pumpkin. It is going to take a lot of time to revert again.

My personal opinion is that your doctor has given you mixed advice. The good bits are that:-

1 lifting weights heavier than your baby and lifting your baby with poor technique may prevent reversion happening in a timely manner, and may further strain your stretched connective tissue / fascia. So, figure out how you are going to lift your baby safely for the next few months, until the real improvement starts after about six months. The first six months are highly unpredictable, POP-wise.

2 it will come and go, according to how you are able to amend eg, your lifting and carrying, and sitting.

The bad bits are:-)

1 50-100 kegels per day is in my personal opinion, unnecessary and maybe counterproductive, depending on who has taught you do to them, and the technique you have learned. Find Christine's article on The New Kegels and do your Kegels that way. Make sure your perineum is healed well before sitting cross legged.

2 Pessaries are sometimes helpful, but in our opinion, a secondary tool, better avoided if you can get the improvement you want by Whole Woman means. They can be a life saver for women who are almost there, and just need a tiny bit of extra support. They are a foreign object inside your body and can bring with them a heap of other issues.

I am 8 months following the birth of my little boy and I found my prolapses at about 4 months after. I was devasted the same, felt life was over! and also got told its just saggy skin do pelvic floor exercises everyday. I am honest I read this site and didnt think it was possible to improve without doing pelvic floor, so listen to me, i did some no where near what they suggested and i knew it was making it worse. They kept telling me my pelvic floor was 4 plus out of 5 and little room for improvement but keep doing the kegals? I was thinking how would this help and it really didnt. I had the feeling like a tampon was falling out all the time and it made it worse doing what they said. I stopped, i am having alternative therapy done on my back as i am hunched, do the posture all the time well keep reminding myself and home i am doing it right, do the exercises off christines dvd and I an honestly say it seems so much better, no tampon feeling, pressure very rarely now and you change as a person, i dont feel scared and if i have bad days i think i can get better! So stay positive, i am also breast feeding but less now so this could be helping as well, take lots of rest and be careful to think of how you lift when you need to etc x

Well, that's lovely to hear, Lifegoeson04. I hope you have much more improvement as time goes on. It will take about two years for your body to revert after your pregnancy. Keep up the posture changes. It really is amazing how much difference it makes.

You might have temporary setbacks, but you will soon get back to where you were, once you can figure out what caused it.

Don't be in a hurry to give up breastfeeding. At 8 months postpartum your breastfed baby may be having other foods, so your oestrogen levels will already be rising in preparation for your menstrual cycle returning. There is no research evidence that weaning will improve prolapse. With your vagina lubricating better you will probably be feeling less rubbing and discomfort in your vagina.



Dear Lifegoeson - I'm repeating this great quote from your post:

"......you change as a person, i dont feel scared and if i have bad days i think i can get better!"

YES YES, you have hit the nail on the head with that one. Losing the fear, and knowing that it's OK for things to fluctuate day to day, is what this work is all about. There are women with only moderate prolapse who are afraid to go out of the house. I don't know why anyone who knew about WW would not jump in with both feet....and if they don't know about WW, why aren't they out there searching the web for a better way? - Surviving

Sorry i have been away from the site with Xmas and my little boy had croup so its been many sleepless night!!
Yeah louise i am just feeding less as before he was poorly he had started on occasions to sleep through the night so that was lovely!!!! I am wanting to breast feed until at least a year old as i dont want to stop and give him cows milk when I have whats made for him :)
Thank you Surviving, i can honestly say i first looked at whole woman and felt so depressed at having to change my life so much 'why' i dont know, why is it bad to stop slouching and thinking about posture, the thought seemed awful but now it doesnt, my other half is even looking more at his posture when we eat etc. I was so sad to stop wearing heals as much but i dont mind now, i never really liked them it was only for the look!! So yes i have a 100% changed and i cannot say i dont miss some things but otherwise i am hoping to keep getting better.
Cant thank you all enough for your help x

Hope your little boy is feeling better and you are catching up on some sleep! Thanks for checking in - Surviving