Kelly Keough "Sweet Truth"


Has anyone seen any of these TV programs, ? At first sight I couldn't believe what I was seeing, but what she says makes some sense. Her sweet recipes are full of blood sugar levellers, organic, sugar free, gluten free, and other good stuff. Or are they?

I rather like her mantra for good eating, which is the 3 P's, Planning, Preparation and Prayer.

Comments, please?



I'll have to check her out. The blog I found a briefly visited has some good things to say. I think it is wise to shoot for being sugar free and mostly gluten free. I eat more animal protein than she advocates, but finding a balance is great for everyone. I guess the only caution I would give is to watch out for substituting other processed grains when going gluten free. Gluten free can be chock full of simple carbohydrates which isn't good. I think its more about removing baked goods (gluten free or not) and pastas for me than just finding a gluten free option for everything. I need to get back to tending to my diet. I've been a bit lax for the past 8 weeks as I mourn the loss of life as I knew it. ;)