New Member - rectocele UK Chick


Hi all!

I am new to the forum. Was just wondering if anyone could offer advice or tips??

Im 28 years old, suffered with IBS, Piles and Fissures for years and have now been diagnosed with a rectocele. I have never had children but have had this rectocele for a year now. I have a large bulge pushing into my woman parts. I can honestly see im in pain & discomfort for 80% of most my days. I have alot of pressure there and have to do bowel cleansing to release stools and get things movingif not im blocked up. I find intimate times with my boyfriend uncomfortable and sometimes impossible. I find sleep sometimes impossible as i cannot get comfy. My job is sitting down all day in a office. I find this aggrevates it really bad.

My consultant has refered me for a barium defecography this week and I am seeing him soon to discuss this and what my next steps are.

I have had to stop doing the gym as this type of exercise is too aggresssive and I suffer after doing it.

Im finding it difficult to think about what I need to do to make things better? sometimes I feel so low within myself and cry alot, really dont know what to do? I am a strong person and normally positive but dont know which is the best way forward???

Once you have a rectocele is it impossible to get rid of it? Also if I were to have children would this impact or make things worse?

Any advice is appreciated thanks :) x

Hi Recto (if I can be so lazy)

You are in a period of real distress and grief right now. I think by posting you are starting to acknowledg this. It is a good start.

Once you understand a bit more about prolapse and about your body I feel sure that you will see that there is a lot of hope for you to be able to alleviate your own suffering, and not have to have your body surgically altered. This would be a major concern for you, as you have not yet had babies.

I suggest that you have a look at the FAQ's tab and the Resources tab, and view some videos. There is a lot you can do right now to address probably far more than your rectocele (which sounds like the ill-health straw that broke the camel's back!).

Check out this article too. Print it out and read it over a few times over the next few weeks, as you learn more about Whole Woman work. As you learn more about your body you will be able to 'join the dots' and see why and how Whole Woman work is self-evident, it proves itself.

I suggest that you purchase the DVD First Aid for Prolapse, and Christine Kent's book, Saving the Whole Woman, which will teach you a lot about your body, how your pelvic support system *really* works, and give you a start with a variety of exercises that encompass ballet, yoga, and even Celtic dance.

For now, happy reading.


Hi Rectochick – It does seem like your history is a rectocele in the making! However, you have other things going on, which hopefully can be discovered by the procedure that you’re getting. Rectocele isn’t typically uncomfortable in a lying down position. But if your bowels are all backed up, you can’t be comfortable in any position.

You can learn WW posture and apply it to everything, including exercise and sitting. Over time it will start to restore lumbar curvature and give support to the organs in the lower belly. Hope you will check it out. When sitting, be sure you aren’t collapsing your spine into the chair back, but rather, sitting upright and forward in the chair so that your spine is supporting you. It’s all part of the work, which takes time and effort, but does pay off. - Surviving

Hi Louiseds

Thanks for replying, I have checked out the tabs and will print out the info on your link :)

I'm feeling more positive today and this site and people have cheered me up! I think I will purchase the book and items as part of my Christmas present to myself lol :)

I share your concerns about having my body surgically altered, I don't know what would happen if I did and then had children. Can the prolapse get worse if left untreated over time?

Thanks for all your information & guidance, I will get reading :) x

Hi surviving 60

Thanks for your comments. I'm really keen to look into this WW position, sitting down all day causes me so much discomfort and I want to learn to cope with this better :) I will definitely purchase the books and get started on it, in quite optimistic! :) I tried the seated position you mentioned whilst travelling home and noticed a great difference with the pressure being lifted.

For the first time in ages I'm optimistic and hopeful in getting my life back on track, thank you soo much :)

Many thanks

Rectocelechick :)

Hi recto - in answer to your question: Because prolapse is caused in part by lifelong bad posture and habits, it certainly stands to reason that it will get worse over time if these things are not corrected. Which is why we do WW - it stabilizes things and can even improve them over time, if you work it totally into your life. That takes time and patience, and having faith in yourself and in the work itself. Some of us jump in with everything we have, with others it takes more time and more convincing. Sometimes it's a matter of expectations (too high or too low) or confidence in our ability to manage on our own. But it is there, and it's the best of any of the possible paths that you could take. - Surviving