Bladder/peeing question.


Hi ladies,
Was wondering about bladder emptying. I pee like the book instructs (ie. all fours in the shower, leaning forward on the toilet etc). However, when I pee, if I lean WAY forward my stream almost stops and if I sit up straight it comes out full force. So to actually completely empty I am usually sitting up straight (in ww posture). Any thoughts as to what this means, or what my bladder is doing or where it is?? Thanks!

Nope, can't really explain that, though maybe one of our more anatomically knowledgeable ladies might know. Up-and-down motions have been discussed on here, maybe more in the context of poo than pee. I, for example, sometimes think the pee is all out, but after moving my bowels find that there's more pee ready to exit. Whatever works! - Surviving

My understanding was that peeing as in the two positions you describe; forward and on all fours was specifically suggested for women with cystocele. I have uterine prolapse and I always pee in posture. When occasionally I do not completely empty I get up and move around a bit and then finish off again in posture. I find that best. Same as surviving with pee then poo then pee again circuit. Pee in posture, poo leaning forward if easy, in posture if hard, then pee again in posture. Try a few circuits when you are in trouble or even a walk around.

best wishes, Fab

Hi Sea Turtle,
I find the same thing,peeing better in an upright sitting position. I have often wondered myself why this works better for me. I look forward to reading anymore answers that may come for you. I try to think that for once, something is working as it should !!

Peeing in the shower. Don't spouses resemble each other the longer they are together? I'll be his Doppelganger in no time.

Just a thought......

Nothing should be forced. I can only lean way forward if I have my hips turned way out. Otherwise my considerable belly rests on my knees and gets squashed if I lean way forward. This would push my bladder backwards again, and kink the top of the urethra and stop the flow. The aim is to have the bladder forwards and the urethra as loose as a goose.