A Painting I Did, That I Thought You All Might Like...


Hi Everybody,
I was diagnosed with POP about a year ago, and found this wonderful site and started doing the exercises and posture about eight months ago... and I am IMPROVING!! Since then, trying to stay in posture, I have often found myself contemplating Christine's profound insight that we are vertical animals from the waist up... but horizontal animals (like quadrupeds) from the waist down. And I remember that she had a picture of a centaur somewhere, to demonstrate.

It occurred to me the other day that shortly before I was diagnosed with prolapse, I did a painting that, it seems to me, somewhat echoed the concept. The painting was about our connection to nature, and also about the magic that can happen when we conceive of something and then bring it into the real world. In it, I painted myself as a faun (half-goat mythical creature)... and I call it "Dream/Create". I don't have the painting anymore, but I thought you might like to see what it looked like: http://hollymasri.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Holly-DreamCreate-Arch1...

This is absolutely gorgeous. And so prophetic, now that you are coming into your own as that wonderfully vertical/horizontal being. Other paintings on the site are beautiful too. Does this one have the metallic leaves as well? - Surviving

Thank you, Surviving! "Prophetic"... yes, that's what I felt about it, too. Like maybe some part of me already knew what I needed to find... was already reaching for it. :) And yes, it does have the metallic leafing on the leaves, and on the little "sprites" or whatever they are... though it doesn't show terribly well in the photo. I've been experimenting with that, recently. Wish I could afford real gold... but with some overglazing, it can still have quite a bit of depth and complexity! --Mulchfairy

This is so beautiful, Mulchfairy, thank you for sharing it with us! We continue to create as much illustration as possible around the WW perspective, but more art is needed! A fellow named Bryyon made an interesting comment in that regard last week on one of my blogs, which you can read (here).

Thank you so very much for understanding and internalizing this paradigm. It’s been a constant battle to instill the conceptual shift into modern culture. For many women it comes easily and for others not so. The ones I get irritated with continue to try to take a middle path, when, as I said earlier, there is no middle path. There is one anatomy and we all share it. I hate to lose members, as abandonment is my deepest emotional issue, but we are truly better off without people who try to make us conform to convention. We’ll leave that to Katy, Kegel Queen, and the rest.

Thanks so much for joining us.


Thank you so much for sharing this here....so beautiful and inspiring!

Thank you for sharing it!
If you ever feel like showing us your other paintings, please tell us how to do it .
Have a good weekend!

Thank you ALL for your kind words... I'm so glad you like the painting! I really didn't get to show it to hardly anybody, when I had it... and most of the people I DID show it to, didn't have much to say. (but I could hear them thinking, "...a mythological female creature, making magic...? What's THAT about?") Oh well... can't please everybody! For myself, it's one of my favorites. And I did think it might find friends here, somehow!

Solita-- sure, after I get more paintings up there, and fix the page up a bit, I'll be happy to post a link to see them. I'm trying to get going as an artist again, after a long hiatus... and living in a new place where I don't know anybody. Anyway, the encouragement is much appreciated! :)

Christine, I'm especially glad you got to see it! I spoke with you for the first time, just the other day... still processing everything you told me! :) It was a real pleasure to get a sense of you as a person, beyond the videos. And your work, and the paradigm you mention, are very important to me-- so I'm happy to have the opportunity to share this with you, and also to let you know that I am truly "getting" these concepts, and this work you are doing. It's life-changing... and culture-changing... and I intend to share it every chance I get! :)

Re: losing members-- yes, I agree-- I think it always hurts, and it's always tragic, when we try to share something wonderful and important with someone (whether it's ourselves, or our work, or whatever) and they turn away. I can only assume that they are doing what they have to do, and that their rejection really doesn't have anything to do with me... it's about THEIR issues and problems, and their journey. Of course, that doesn't make it much easier to take, really... then again, some people, we really ARE better off without!

Well, that gave me goosebumps.

me too.