myth of the "saggy" pelvic floor


The myth of the “dropped”, or “saggy” pelvic floor is fundamental to the kegel paradigm. We’ve heard Louise say over and over that she remembers a weak and floppy postpartum pelvic floor, which e-stim successfully restored to normal. Yet, I’m going to challenge this concept and instead suggest (as the research of Stuart Stanton and others revealed in the 1960s) that it is reversible nerve damage that temporarily numbs the muscles, preventing them from fully contracting. There is a well-defined time-period (something like 3 months postpartum) during which most nerve function is known to return to normal.

We know we can push the vaginal walls toward the outlet and make the perineum bulge. We can also push a baby out. Is this the same as having saggy muscles? “Pelvic floor descent” is a common indication for perineoplasty, yet can this concept possibly be valid under reasonable conditions?

The anorectal angle (click here) is an important part of the human fecal continence system. It must be taut to prevent stool escaping uncontrollably. If the angle is taut, we do not have fecal incontinence. How then, can a woman have a floppy pelvic floor and be continent of stool?


Graceful, I had what turned out to be my last period a couple of months before I turned 53. I think that's probably pretty average. Lots of changes to the periods during those last few years, though nothing like what some of the ladies on here have described. Despite the stresses that were happening in my life at that time, my physical menopause was relatively smooth, and I hope the best for you! Whatever happens, you have the right frame of mind, and most of all, you've already found your way here! Hooray for prolapse (ha ha) - Surviving
