Hiatal Hernia aggravated by some WW moves?


Has anyone experienced a worsening of a hiatal hernia by the fire breathing or other techniques? When I am faithful to do these, my hiatal hernia symptoms seem to flare.



Hi HappySheep,

Creating a stomach vacuum could certainly aggravate pre-existing reflux and other symptoms of hiatal hernia. But let’s talk about how the disorder develops and why it becomes more prevalent as people age in our culture.

In natural posture, the stomach is pushed forward against the abdominal wall, creating a right angle with the vertical axis of the esophagus. Just as our pelvic organs are pulled into right angles with their channels when we lift the tailbone, the stomach is pulled into a right angle with the esophagus when we lift the chest.

Anyone who is “pulling down the ribs”, pulling in the abdominal wall, or tucking the pelvis under is decreasing the natural dynamics that prevent the stomach being sucked up the pipe of the esophagus. The degree to which natural posture is inhibited is the degree of risk for many common diseases.

Like prolapse, this condition does not develop overnight, but is a slow and steady decay of our natural posture.

Many WW exercises move the pelvis into its full range of motion, pulling the stomach in as well. We use the outer limit of the pulled-in range when we laugh, cough, and vomit and it is good to exercise that end of the spectrum. However, if you have existing hiatal hernia, I would certainly use caution. WW posture is the primary way the body is held throughout the day, moving the abdominal organs into their anatomic positions.

The spine itself forms a right angle at the level of the sacrum. All organs that move fluid in and out of the body also form right angles with their channels. The abdominal wall in the mature female forms a right angle with the pelvis. This is the wisdom of the body that the non-WW world has not yet picked up on.

Hope your symptoms improve.


Does anyone with hiatal hernia *not* have worsening of symptoms from firebreathing? Or improvement of symptoms?