

How often do you do firebreathing? How often do you do the jiggling (I am new so is 5 or 6 times a day good). Is it okay to go right to the First Wheel or should I stay with the the First Aid for Prolapse I like yoga better (My middle name is not Grace). How much can we lift if we are new. Is 10 lbs to much.
Still have my little crying spells because I am never going to be the same.


Hi Mika - I think Louise answered this question in more detail in another of your threads. You do as much or as little as you can, without overdoing. This is not a program that prescribes any certain routine. If you're lifting, be sure to bend from the hips or the knees and keep lumbar curvature in place. However much you can lift in a comfortable and controlled position, holding the weight close to your body and keeping lumbar curvature in place, is probably fine. There is more info in the book and DVD's on this subject. - Surviving

If you are lifting 10 lbs in strength training, you want to maintain WW posture....probably seated properly for that is best. If you are lifting groceries or such things, try to keep them close to you and always maintain your posture and balance the weight well when carrying. Bending from the hips is good like Surviving explained and that also gives you a nice little hamstring stretch. Honor that lumbar curve. Lots of great information in Christine's book. Do you have it? Best wishes.