

Thanks to all that replied to my original post a couple of weeks ago. Sorry it took me do long to reply back but I have been busy with my 7 week old son and potty training my 2.5 year old daughter. I went to my Dr for my 6 week postpartum appt and I was officially diagnosed with mild prolape of uterus, bladder, and rectum. My Dr said this is common in women who have just given birth and to give it time and it should take care of itself. He told me to do kegals, avoid exercises such as running, lunges, and sit ups. He led want me to return to my normal activity level. He claimed walking on the treadmill would be good and let my body be the judge of how long to go.

I am now at 7 week point and I still have that tampon falling out feeling. I have been taking a stool softener which has helped with bowel movements but i still have that feeling of fullness though after I go. I have pretty much returned to normal activity except limiting my lifting and practicing the posture. I plan on slowly starting to walk on treadmill next week. I feel as if symptoms have increased since I first discovered this at 3 weeks pp. Fron reading old posts it seems that it is normal for things to get worse at this point before getting better? Does this seem to be true for anybody else? Once again thanks for any input

Hi Momtwice - we've already given you the articles to explain why kegels actually aggravate prolapse - so please don't fall into that approach. I can tell you from many years of doing them, that they don't help and they actually make things worse. Lots of walking in very mindful WW posture is about the best thing you can do for yourself right now. Learn firebreathing. And don't worry - yes it's true that PP period brings lots of ups and downs in prolapse recovery. I'm glad your doc did not overreact to the situation. - Surviving

Congratulations on your new baby! Kegels are really a misunderstood thing. when you have a chance, you will want to read Christine's article here. It seems like Mr Kegel had an idea that took the world by storm and yet I have not heard of anyone who really analyzed what was going on when we did them, until Christine. Many women have a worsening of pop symptoms when doing them. Great that you have adjusted things like lifting and I hope that you are able to put the posture into your life completely. You are young now, with two little ones, and this posture will carry you through your entire life, to make you taller, stronger, healthier in every way. It is easy to forget about it when you start to feel better .... stay with it and you will see lifetime improvement. Also, use your treadmill when the weather is nasty but try to get outside for your walks at all other times. The walking on a normal surface involves different muscles and timing. It is better for us than the treadmill. But, the treadmill is great for times when you can't otherwise do your walk......and always always walk in WW posture. Best wishes to you!