

Been rereading "Saving the Whole Woman" and am really getting it this time. The description of our structure, muscles, and how they work is so well done. Wow, Christine! Now I see why walking is a perfect exercise. Also, as I was reading while sitting upright with my lower back supported and feet on the floor, I was able to concentrate on reading without squirming way longer than usual. When I finally got up to go to the bathroom, my cystocele was in retreat - temporarily, but "retreat" nonetheless. This is my new comfortable. Thank you so much.


And you will continue to love this posture the longer you live in it! Even after it becomes effortless and you no longer have to remind yourself, you will continue to be in awe of how it makes you feel. - Surviving

Hi Bebe,
It's so good to hear you'r e finding the WW approach so helpful. I agree - I found almost immediate beginnings of relief from my incapacitating symptoms when I first embarked on the WW way.
Way to go! xwholewomanuk