Cystocele still no def answer on rectocele


I finally went to my old ob since nothing felt right down there. 10 weeks post partum with baby 5. She diagnosed me with a small Cystocele but did not grade it. The problem was splinting with bowel movements and this pouch I have. She felt no rectocele but said the wall was thin in areas and had a bunch of scar tissue build up.
Her plan of action is estrace cream with kegels. What I still don't understand is why do I have to press on perineum to move my bowels ? Blech frustrated :( What will the estrogen cream do for the small Cystocele ? My mind went blank when she said this... a very poor game plan in my book. Plenty has been written on this site about how and why kegels don't work, and can actually aggravate prolapse. As for estrogen, I have multiple 'celes and I am post-menopausal and yet I would not risk taking hormones. You are young and still very very post-partum. Are you breastfeeding? Some may say that not enough Estrace is absorbed through the skin to be risky, but I would not assume that to be true. Doctors prescribe it to build up the vaginal walls I guess. But this is not the answer to prolapse maintenance. And you are still healing. I would recommend some Whole Woman reading, and the practice of Whole Woman posture all of the time. Walking in posture is a great form of exercise. WW helps move the pelvic organs forward in the relaxed lower belly, with the assistance of the round ligaments of the uterus. Getting these organs into proper configuration might help alleviate your need to splint.

Check your original post from a couple of weeks ago. You got lots of great advice. - Surviving