It never just rains....


I know this isnt really for this site but just got the letter today and crying again.
Just been for my cervical smear and i have severe dyskaryosis and have to now go for a colposcopy. What i am most scared of i am 28, only have one child, prolapsed bladder and bowel. Cervix is on its way down as well now which i am really trying to control and thought i was getting somewhere with being able to cope and life throws more at you.

Obviousley worried about the 'c' word but more worried about the damage it will cause by doctors in England who i think are so un-educated about prolapse anyway and i dont listen to any of the 'kegals' which is all they talk about what damage will they cause me doing their investigations?!
I dont suppose i have any choice but wondered if anyone else had any experience of this?

Sorry and thanks for reading

Hi Lifegoeson04,
I'm sorry to hear that you have had distressing news. When I was 29 I had a colposcopy for abnormal cervical cells (I am 49 now). I had not had children yet then, and have no idea if I had any prolapse then either. I don't think the colposcopy itself would cause any problems for your prolapse. I ended up requiring a procedure that used a laser to burn off the abnormal cells on the surface of my cervix. That procedure was uncomfortable, but not painful, and I remember having cramp-like discomfort for a few days afterward but it wasn't too bad. Since then I have never had another cervical smear come back showing anything odd. My cervix managed to fully dilate and birth a baby a few years later even with some scar tissue on it.

You should ask the doctors about it, the doctors who performed my colposcopy were really considerate. I don't think the colposcopy itself would affect the structural supports of the pelvis. I hope that it all goes well for you. ((((hugs))))


Please check back and let us know how everything goes. I hope your fears are somewhat put to rest by Hockeymom's post. Take it a day at a time. You can handle whatever life throws your way!! No more tears for now. Your family needs you strong and happy! - Surviving

Dear Lifegoeson,
I just want you to know, I have been having abnormal pap smears almost constantly for the past-- let's see-- ten years or so (I'm fifty now), and I have had several colposcopies, and my view of the whole thing is gradually shifting. Originally, I felt much as you do-- I was scared of the procedure, and how much it would hurt, and what it would do to my body, and most of all, I was terrified it would be cancer. My body has been through a hell of a lot (thirteen years of sexual abuse as a child, genital herpes, and lifelong vulvodynia, depression, anxiety and insomnia (and constipation, which probably brought on my prolapse). So... I figured I was doomed.

Ten years later, I still hate colposcopies (I have to have another one in April). But I've learned some things that help me cope. One is that colposcopy is a diagnostic procedure-- it's done to find out if there's anything that they need to get rid of, before it gets worse. And that's actually a GOOD thing-- because if I DO have some cells of the type that need to be actually removed, rather than just watched, they can do that easily, while those cells are still few in number and easy to freeze or zap with a laser, with minimal damage to my body, and without having to remove my uterus.

I have never had to have cryosurgery (which is what they generally do after colposcopy, at least here in the US) and I devoutly hope I never will. But if I do need it, I will do it, so that I can keep my uterus.

Another thing to know is that cervical cancer grows quite slowly, so that even if you develop it, so long as you get checked on a semi-regular schedule, you can make sure it will never get to the point where it would be life-threatening, or organ-threatening. To me, that's a really good thing!

Doctors ARE frequently dorks (or would that be "wankers"?)-- there's no doubt about it, and you need to be prepared to advocate for yourself, and find out what you need to know, so you can make informed decisions and tell them to get stuffed if you need to. I'm absolutely sympathetic about you having to go through this-- it DOES absolutely SUCK-- but you CAN get beyond it, and your body WILL heal. Definitely ask lots of questions, and if they don't have the answers, look for them elsewhere. But I see no reason why you shouldn't come through this with flying colors. You may NEVER have another abnormal pap, or need another colposcopy. And from my admittedly limited knowledge, I wouldn't think it should significantly affect your prolapse, or your ability to have children.

I hope this helps. Keep us posted, breathe, and be kind to yourself... you deserve extra-special loving care and tenderness, especially now!

wishing you WELL--


Hello sorry have limited Internet access at the moment on my phone, appreciate all your comments so much as otherwise who would we talk to!! Men don't really understand that great and had that many issues and find the lack of knowledge with the health care profession and prolapse really scary and after that to get more scary news just freaked me out!!

Really appreciate you taking the time to respond and its made me feel a lot more positive.
I go on Friday so will keep you posted.
Thanks again x

Well i have been and i do need treatment to remove the cells, i go back in two weeks to have this done.
Feel a little unsure as i hate medical interference and would like to monitor the cells but on the other hand i dont want to find it was something i needed to act on fast so i have made the decision to have it done, my main concern were they say it can effect fertility, carrying future children and hysterectomy may be required if you have a bleed but then you may have the horrible 'c' word as well not dont know what choice i have!

On the plus side the nurse said you must be doing your kegals well as your prolapse look secure, thought i cannot be bothered to explain i dont do kegals because they look horrified!!!
Thanks for your support :)

Keeping fingers crossed that everything works out fine for you. Glad to hear your prolapse is impressing the nurses, guess you'd better keep up on those kegels (ha ha) ...... Surviving