Which yoga DVD?


I have Christine's book and first aid for prolapse. I would like to purchase one of the yoga DVDs, I really cannot afford more than one, so does anyone have any advice which one to order? I am really looking to resume my yoga practice pre prolapse, so I guess I am looking for whichever DVD has the most yoga poses in it...does that make sense?? I am looking for a good workout as I am trying to build some muscle. Thanks in advance for any feedback.


Hi karona - I understand your question and I'm not the best one to answer, because I'm not a yoga expert as far as knowing all the poses by name. There are others among us who are better-versed in that area. The yoga DVDs are reasonably priced, and if you are yourself a yoga practitioner, you are going to want all of them eventually. But if you're only interested in getting one now, I'd go for First Wheel. - Surviving

Hi Karona

I am not a yoga expert either. It really doesn't matter which DVD you start with. They are named for the Chakras, so logically Christine started at the first Chakra. However, the Third Wheel, being about fire, was appropriate to make about Firebreathing. Nearly all the exercises on this DVD have a firebreathing component.

Saying that they are yoga DVD's is true, but I would rather call them yoga-inspired. Many of the traditional yoga poses need a lot of alteration so that they can be supportive of pelvic organ support, so they are barely recognisable in the form in which Christine uses them. This is because yoga was designed for the male body, not the female body.

You can rest assured that if you want a good postpartum yoga program Christine's DVD's will not risk causing further damage to your pelvic organ support.


Hi karona,
Good question. All the dvd's are good for prolapse recovery and maintenance. I'm a yoga teacher who has specialised in women's issues. I think the wheel of yoga 1 and 2 dvd's might suit you best for starters. There are a lot of postures and they're quite demanding. It may be logical to start with the first wheel, the root cakra and gradually work your way up, as/when you can afford it. I use my dvd's regularly and I think they are a wise and good investment in your general health and pop recovery and maintenance.
Wishing you all the best, xwholewomanuk