Qusetion about WW posture


I am suffering quite a bit with my cystocele and rectocele. I have been havin success with the Nauli but it dosen't seem to last for long...When I stand in posture I relax lower belly but should I also relax pelvic muscles while in WW posture? When I do it seems to make the bulge come back. I try and breath into lower belly and relax but once I do I seem to think that I should also relax the pelvic floor but it seems to make my POP feel more pronounce. Help!
Also, with the rectocele I have a lot of gas but am afraid to push it out (fart) sorry to be blunt. is there a safer way to get rid of gas with out pushing it out?


I have only been doing WW for several months now, but I have a few pieces of advice :) First of all, the posture shouldn't make you feel more 'bulge-y' or make you tense muscles in unnecessary places. If the pelvic muscles you are talking about relaxing have to do with kegels, then its probably a good idea not to tense those muscels (i.e. do kegels). A lot of doctors say to do kegels but WW says that it doesn't help, and over time actually makes things worse.
Second, a lot of the posture for me has simply been self experimenting. One can get the basic idea but I still have to see what feels good and what doesn't. If you do something that seems like it makes the bulge feeling worsen, then I'd say don't do it. You said Nauli helps, do that more. (I'm impressed because I have not yet mastered Nauli).
Third, I usually pass gass when I am on the toilet. You can also splint to pass gass if you are worried. Sometimes I push it out a little, which I know is not the best thing to do, but it also doesn't feel good to be full of air.
Hope that helps some, good luck, and don't lose hope! It takes a lot of time and experimenting with the posture to really know your body.

thank you so much for your response...I am trying not to do kegels at this time because it really does undo what i am trying to do. However how do I (fart) sucessfully or better yet what foods can stop this? It is so hard to figure out the diet side of prolapse.
Ok for the Nauli, I visualized first.... I started to do the firebreathing and focused on my belly button as the center.... and then when I breath out I picture my belly button as the center of where my breath is taking me to a spot of concentration... I take a huge breath in and my stomach and belly button goes out and then I breathe in and hold it at the diapra i breath out and exhale... any higher I try and find my diaphram. That is where I stop. I hold my exhale to the point where I find the diaphram and i beging to try and roll my belly round and round,,, this has nothing to do with your back!! But strong belly musclesl