does it really help?


Hi -
I discovered on my own - have an appointment coming up, that I have both a rectocele and cystocele.
I have never had children, but I have an inverted uterus. I am 56 years old and single, but still hoping to be married.
I don't have any symptoms, I just discovered these. I think they are moderate. I'm willing to try anything to avoid surgery. My fear is they get worse? Have people had success in stopping the prolapse?


Start now with Christine's exercise plan; you may need the book and dvd's to understand what's going and how to do the exercises. In my experience, these 'celes don't go away on their own. Surgery isn't necessary for you if you start with the exercises; it is important to know exactly how to do them. You'll like the new sense of knowing your body.
I've kept waiting for them to go away. They don't!

Hi Single and welcome. If you suspect the beginnings of prolapse, what your doctor has to say may or may not be helpful. These 'celes, if that's what they are, are not even causing you any symptoms at this point. Diagnosing prolapse is a very inexact science, as these organs move around all the time.

Whole Woman is lots more than an exercise program. You are retraining your body, returning to the natural posture that you had as a child. Most of us have grown up sucking in our bellies and tucking our butts under in the name of "good" posture, but that flattens lower lumbar curvature which is the foundation of pelvic organ support.

So do read up on this website and forum before your appointment. Your doc will not have this information and if anything, may suggest kegels. Don't bother! Arm yourself with some information before you go in. Good luck to you - Surviving