Surgery for hemorrhoids


Has anyone had surgery for the removal of rectal hemorrhoids? I've been reading that their removal can take place in the doctor's office as an outpatient and that the surgery is brief and not a big deal.
Has anyone had it?
I'm thinking that all those are in the way and if I did have them removed the feces would pass easier and I might not have the pudendal nerve pain that I have very often.

Daphne, I don't recall this topic coming up recently, but you can use the search box up above to look for past discussions, if you haven't already. Meanwhile, maybe someone who has experience with this will see your post and respond. Good luck to you - Surviving

Thanks Surviving,
I wanted to ask Christine for her 'take' on this, but I'm sure she's really really busy; so, I'll keep searching the question box!
Bon Weekend, Happy Easter,

I had outside hemorrhoids so bad a few years back that they were bleeding alot and I finally decided to get something done. I think it was called hemorrhoid banding and it was done in the office. I was so afraid of having anything done because in my mind I thought it would be so painful and it really wasn't. It was quick and easy. I took myself to the office and took myself home.:)) It really was so easy that if I had to do it again I wouldn't be afraid at all.

Thank you so much for your response. I may be on my way to my surgeon to have this done. Am hoping Christine will respond also. Mine are on the inside and may be causing severe pudendal nerve pain.
Best, Daphne11

HI Daphne11

I can see that you are really wanting to get Christine to respond to your query. It would be great if she could respond personally to everyone, but it is not possible. The Forums are for discussion and asking questions of other Members. They are like a hangout where we can seek information informally, find out how we can utilise the information that is available, both on the website and on the Forums via the Search box.

Could I suggest that you purchase a consultation with Christine? I might be the best way to get yourself some direction with all the queries you have. You or anyone can purchase a consultation at the WW Store.


Hello Daphne11,

Maybe you have already passed through surgery, but if is not, you could try asking your doctor about the THD procedure. I've heard that it's not so invasive as the hemorrhoids banding and that the recovery takes just a few days. Hope it helps!

very interesting, how do you find out if hemorrhoids are your problem??
I also feel my problem with bowel pressure and evacuation may be due to internal hemmoriods but the only thing the doctors have recommended is the 'colonoscopy' which I have not wanted to do because I just want the hemmhoriods looked at and evaluated. It has been a frustrating challenge!