When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
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Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
April 10, 2013 - 2:53pm
Realisticwoman, I don't think it's normal for a cystocele to cause bleeding in the vagina. It's a smooth bulge at or near the opening.
Does this only occur when you have a bowel movement? Could the blood possibly be coming from hemorrhoids or an anal fissure? Or could it be the tampon itself that is irritating the vagina? Can you try it without? I admit that I'm not even picturing how a bladder prolapse could be impeding the bowel movement.
Unexplained bleeding generally needs looking into further. And maybe someone with this type of experience will have something to add. - Surviving
April 10, 2013 - 3:30pm
Do have a pessary? I had one for a number of years and after heavy lifting for a few days, I was bleeding for some time (but I am not sure it had anything to do with a B. M). I found out that it was caused by an ulcer due to the pessary rubbing. It took a few months to heal after I stopped using the pessary. Maybe, as Surviving stated, the tampon could be making it bleed from the pressure it is causing inside. If your stool is hard, maybe changing your diet or adding a teaspoon of sunflower seeds along with a good drink of water a couple of times a day might help. I find adding the seeds really helps me.
April 10, 2013 - 6:50pm
Vaginal bleeding after BM (bladder)
I have miminal spotting that I believe is from my prolapsed bladder sometimes after BM. Your question and earlier responses make me think I should just make that next visit to the urogynecologist. I believe the spotting is from very thin tissue over the bladder surface skin that gets irritated with bm sometimes and also is irritated from excess alkaline moisture from urine.
I use dilute vinegar in a spray bottle following baking soda solution in a spray bottle to cleanse the surface of the prolapsed bladder and the entire area of the crotch. When dried (with soft cloth) I apply, believe it not, Dove facial cream. It works better than castor oil, it's thicker. So far, I've had no problem with it.
April 10, 2013 - 9:26pm
Thank you for your suggestions! Actually when I put the tampon in, it helps keep me from bleeding. I coat it with bio so it is wet when it goes in. I live in Israel and there isn't any dove cream available here. I will try the castor oil. What is the vinegar and baking soda for? Have you ever tried a natural compound hormone cream?
April 10, 2013 - 9:31pm
I have been waiting to get fitted for a pessary and that is why I have been using the tampon. I haven't done any heavy lifting in months. I think the pressure of pushing the bowel movement out is like the pressure you would get from lifting something heavy. Like I indicated below. I bleed worse with no tampon in. I am trying everything to get my bowel to move without pushing to hard but it seems that no matter what I do, any pressure is too much pressure.
April 10, 2013 - 9:38pm
Thank you for your response. I am going to try and get a confirmation on where the bleeding is coming from and then I will let you know. I think it is important for everyone to know if there can be bleeding from a cystocele and what they can do. It really is quite frightening to not know where the bleeding is coming from and what, if any damage can be done by what I am doing. If it truly is coming from the cystocele then I want to know if I can heal it naturally.
April 11, 2013 - 5:55pm
I just thought of this: If you have access to a juicer, can you juice fruits and vegetables to get nuitrients without having as much fibre in your diet until you see the doc for the pessary? When I first discovered my bulge years ago, I juiced a lot so the bulge would be less. I keep thinking I should do that again but never get around to it. (I think I just got the motivation!)
April 11, 2013 - 9:45pm
First of all, I am wondering if you shouldn't see a doctor about the bleeding. I bleed a little, like tiny spots. You want to rule out any other cause than simply thin surface.
I use the Pond Cold Cream because it was on my shelf; it is very soothing. It hasn't caused a problem so far. To answer your questions, I put 1/4 cup vinegar in a 16 oz spray bottle and mix it with water and use it to spray cleanse my genital area after peeing, especially if I've got any stinging from too acid urine. Then I follow that spray with a mix of 2tbsp baking soda in 16 oz water in a spray bottle and this is sprayed on the genital area to rinse off the vinegar and cover the genital area with alkaline (doesn't burn) baking soda water. Sometimes all I need is the baking soda spray.
I used natural compounded estradiol for years and years, but I don't use it now. I am 65 years of age. I wanted to continue it to give the genital area tissue more integrity like when I was younger, but for a reason that I can't remember I was advised not to. I hope this helps!
April 11, 2013 - 9:52pm
Hi again,
Try searching "constipation" in the search box up on the left and see if you can find some help there for keeping bowel movements as absolute easy as possible. Also, you may have a tear or something that should be looked at. It doesn't seem that enough blood to require a tampon is okay with every bowel movement. Thinking of you as you deal with this.
April 11, 2013 - 10:16pm
I just read your comments and thought to add that I have bleeding often after bowel movements. However, it isn't directly related to bowel movements. It is from my cervix that is prolapsed and irritated by friction so is very fragile. Often a bowel movement or sometimes just walking will cause bleeding from it because of its fragile state. I also have a bladder prolapse but it doesn't seem to be involved in causing the bleeding. Sometimes it causes pain because of being difficult to urinate and can get inflammed if I am on my feet too much and letting everything come down and out putting pressure on my urethra. Just something to consider.
April 12, 2013 - 9:12am
All great advice!
I want to thank all of you for the great advice!
I have an appointment on Sunday at a Women's Clinic and will definitely ask about my cervix being the source of the blood. I have been doing green drinks and juicing for years and unfortunately that has never helped the bowel pressure problem. I am currently doing psyllium husk 2 tsp. a day and that helps tremendously but still does not solve my problem of bearing down issue when having a bowel movement. The slightest bearing down pushes my bladder. The juicing and green drinks are great for keeping alkaline though and definitely helps in healing and keeping the body well. I am happy to report the bleeding has subsided and I am feeling better today.
I did get some estriol hormone cream from the pharmacist yesterday but am not sure if it is compound. The brand is Ovestin. Has anyone heard of this product and if so have you used it?
I anxiously await the day I will get fitted for a Pessary but it will be at least one more month before I get to see a doctor for the fitting. Can any of you give me pointers on what kind I should get and why?
April 12, 2013 - 6:50pm
Realistic, have you been working on Whole Woman posture? Pessaries can sometimes help with symptoms, but they can be tricky to fit, and they do not help everyone. You need another strategy, something more than hormone creams and tampons and waiting for a pessary fitting that might not give you the results you are hoping for. Please do work on posture. It is not a cure or quick fix, because there is none. But you need to coax those organs into their proper positions, and try to keep them there as much as possible. If you can start to do that, and make some progress with your straining issue, you might start to feel better. Good luck - Surviving
April 13, 2013 - 5:41am
I received the DVD "First Aid .." and started doing the exercises two weeks ago and also the sitting positions. I started doing the whole woman posture and a few of the exercises a month ago while I was waiting for the DVD. I found it on youtube and started immediately. I also am seeing a Cranial Sacral Therapist and learned how to do the Mayan massage.
I am currently doing feather touch Mayan massage without pressure and trying to get all the nerves, ligaments and muscles to wake up and hold my uterus, bladder and bowel in their correct location. My strategy is to get my bladder out of vagina and no longer believe that is where it is supposed to live (Coax it out). If my bladder is continually sitting in my vagina, the tissues and muscles will stay weak from all the pulling and pressure. I really would like to give my vaginal canal a chance to heal.
April 13, 2013 - 5:54am
correct location
The organs have not fallen down, they have fallen back. You will need to correct your posture, restore lumbar curvature, and give the organs a space in the relaxed lower belly. WW posture ALL the time is the only way to achieve that. - Surviving
April 14, 2013 - 9:34pm
Do you want a boycott of the products you are selling?